
What is the system of government for the US? Also who are three friends of US and three friends of Mexico??

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  1. You can research these at the CIA World Fact Book.

  2. The U.S is suppose to be constiutional republic were the people elect representatives.

  3. Constitutional republic.

    1.  US friends:  Great Britain, Australia, Poland, Canada

    2. Mexico friends:  don't know but we probably are.

  4. We have a Democratic Republic.  Canada, Mexico and UK are friendly to the US.  Canada, US and Guatemala are friendly to Mexico.

  5. It started as a Republic and is now a Democracy = more government than we started out with and the minority of the people are dictating to the majority and that is just messed up.  Our only true "friend" I know of is Canada who published a story about their neighbors, the US.  Those who fight wars with us would also be considered "friends" but when you are the US - who can you trust, really and truly?

    All I know about Mexico is that you shouldn't drink the water and that thousands of their people have come to the US illegall, using our citizen's money for free healthcare, etc.

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