
What is the t-storms?

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What is the t-storms?




  1. um..I'm kinda confused at your question, did you mean what are t-storm, well thunder storms need three things:Moisture - to form clouds and rain.Unstable Air - relatively warm air that can rise rapidly.  Lift - fronts, sea breezes and mountains are capable of lifting air to help form thunderstorms..they cause a lot of rain..thunder, lighting, hail..


  2. please add more detail im confused

  3. my name

  4. Here are few answers which i got from web :

    A thunderstorm is created when three things are in place. These are:

    -Instability, or the ability of rising air to continue rising.

    -A lifting source. This could be from surface based convection, cold front/warm front, low level convergence, upper level divergence, a shortwave trough, etc.

    -Heat and moisture in the lower levels of the atmosphere.


    In chronological order, this is how a thunderstorm develops.

    1) The lift source forces warm, moist air to rise.

    2) The moist, warm air hits either the Convective Condensation Level (CCL) or the Lifted Condensation Level (LCL), depending on how that air is being lifted, and that is where the cloud base forms. The CCL and LCL is where the rising air hits its dewpoint.

    3) This process continues to form vertically growing, puffy, cumulus clouds.

    4) As more air rises into the cloud, an updraft forms.

    5) This continues to form a large, towering cloud that precipitates and produces thunder and lightning.


    Severe weather happens when this process becomes very quick and strong. The 3 types of severe weather you could expect with a thunderstorm are large hail, damaging winds, and tornadoes.

    Hail forms when the thunderstorm protrudes the freezing level and thus allows for rain to freeze on small particles such as dust. These are circulated through the updraft while layers of water freeze over and over the hail stones and they collide with each other. Hail stones in very strong updrafts can grow to the size of grapefruits or softballs. When the updraft can't

    hold the weight of the hail, it falls. Hail is considered severe when it is 3/4 inch in diameter or larger.

    Damaging winds often occur when the storm produces a strong downdraft that hits the ground and spreads out. These are called downbursts. This will happen when there is evaporative cooling of dry mid-level air and/or the rain pulls air down with it. A fast moving line of storms can also produce damaging winds. Winds are considered severe when they are 57.5 M.P.H. or stronger.

    Tornadoes with single and multicellular storms are called landspouts. These are generally weak and short lived but, can do damage.

    Supercellular thunderstorms form in environments with elevated wind shear values. Wind shear is created by wind speed changing with height and/or wind direction changing with height. These storms have a rotating updraft also known as a mesocyclone. Most of these storms produce some severe weather and usually have the most extreme severe associated with them. The largest hail, violent tornadoes, very heavy rainfall, damaging winds, and numerous lightning strikes can occur with supercellular storms.

  5. rain passes through clouds and sperates the postive and nagatatve ions .that makes the flash of lite.

  6. Rodola 1 is correct.

  7. t - is for thunder storms
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