
What is the tackiest thing you have seen at a wedding?

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I was wondering if anyone has experienced some very tacky things when they have attended a wedding?

I haven't been to any weddings that would give me much to complain about but I'm sure others have.

Share you experiences.




  1. The groom and Groomsmen wearing cowboy hats, sunglasses, and white Adidas tennis shoes with black tuxes! A bounce house for children and kegs of beer held in a back yard.

    Yes they were young and it was a long time ago but it was sad.  

  2. I agree 110% with Applejax...but here are a few more

    *paper plates - it's your wedding fork up the $ for china!

    *dj having to run to the car for more music

    *mother of groom & best man getting into a throw down fight

    *bowls of chips as appetizers - is it a graduation party or a wedding?

    and the worst offender of all

    *Dollar dances, wishing wells, and any other money grubbing attempt from the bride and groom!  We're already giving you a d**n gift!

  3. weddings at the registry office, if your late then you miss the whole thing. The ceremony only lasts 5 minutes if that. Then on from there to someones backyard for a bbq, with non-alcoholic wine, very cheap and tacky.

  4. The bride and groom changing roles by wearing each others clothes.

  5. A cash bar for alcohol is bad enough, but we had to pay for soda-- in a can!

    Also, father of the bride changed from a suit into cutoff jean short with the strings hanging down, straight after the ceremony. He danced with his daughter, the bride, wearing those cutoffs.

  6. The tacky parts of wedding to me is others ways of asking for gifts and money like the money dance, the groom getting "arrested" and the bride needs "bail" money, and other ways of getting more out of the guests. They have come to your day and most likely brought a gift, that is far more then you can ask already.  

  7. On the defensive; I'm from the UK, where it's perfectly acceptable to have a cash bar. It's also common to give coupons for the first drink. And why SHOULDN'T you pay for your own drinks? You're drinking them, not the bride and groom. I don't think it's fair for them to stump up the bill for the drunkard in the corner who can't even stand up.

    I also think that slideshows can be sweet, IF you use the right pictures. My little old grandmother would hardly appreciate seeing photos of my hubby trying to pull down my top and l**k my boob in a photo booth. Who am I to decide what's tacky for other peoples' weddings? It's their wedding; not mine. And I'l do things how I want to for our wedding. There's always going to be SOMEONE that will think SOMETHING'S tacky.  

    I personally hate the bride and groom smashing the cake into their each other's faces. But you see, nobody would dream of doing that in the UK. We only ever see that in films, on "Bridezillas" and other wedding shows (all featuring couples from the US, where it seems to be normal). I also think the Dollar Dance is tacky, but only if they're not Greek. It seems everyone's trying to get in on the free cash, whether they're Greek or not, and there was me thinking it was an old Greek tradition. I'm sure some people sit there wondering hwo they can milk their guests for more money. They're paying for their outfits, travel, probably their overnight acommodation, and a gift; and then you want MORE?! It's too much!

    So while I hate these two things with a passion, I never judge the couple for it, because it's their wedding. If I was being told to do these for mywedding, I would point blank refuse, but I'm not, and I won't. Weddings are for nobody to judge. Who cares, as long as the couple are having the day of their lives?

  8. Well, I've seen tacky things at weddings in movies but never particularly in real life... Uhm, I have been to a wedding where some of the music playing weren't done by the original artists (not meaning that the songs were redone or covered by credible artists - for example, say Coldplay covering a Beatles song, that would be fine by me). But the songs sounded almost karaoke-ish, and they were like probably done by random people lol. It was soo annoying, I was cringing, thinking : "Why, Why, Why???". It was so bad, that's definiately something I'l be avoiding at my future (whenever that may be), wedding :)

  9. - Guests showing up not properly dressed (at one of my cousin's wedding, some of my other cousins showed up in Hawaiian shirts & reg. pants)

    - Money dances,  the bride holding a money bag (just looks like she's expecting people to give her $$), holding a "raffle" where the winner gets half the $$ & the bride & groom gets the other half (the winner usually ends up giveing their half to the bride & groom so they don't look greedy)

    - Slide Shows

    -skits that only include the bridal party(leave the rest of the guests thinking what they should be doing.........most just head to the bar)

    - the bridal party (esp. the bridesmaids) changing into sneakers during the reception

    - the Bride & Groom hosting the after-party (shouldn't they be in their room together, as it is their wedding night)

    - the bride wearing fake hair that falls out during the night (wouldn't you make sure it's securely attached to your head)

    - All fake flowers. i could maybe see having a few things be fake, but, not the centerpieces, bouquets & everything else)

  10. OMG, my friend's wedding...her sister was maid of honor & got SOOOOO drunk prior to the toast. She rambled on for like 15 -20 min. & you could just see the humiliation on the brides face.  All the guests were talking smack too under their breaths, it was so horrible. But it was nothing the bride could prevent, but she maybe shoulda told her sis to go easy on the alcohol before the toast.

  11. -home made cd's in plastic cd sleeves as guest favours

    -sandwich platters on each table for the meal

    -plastic flowers

    -the bride wearing clear healed 'stripper shoes'

    -'monetary gifts are appreciated' printed on wedding invitations

    -using dollar store coupon tickets which entitle guests to two drinks at the bar

    -weddings where guests were invited to the ceremony but not the reception

    -inviting too many guests and not enough food

  12. - people crammed into a room - room holds 75 and there are 110 present

    - DJ has his logo and banner where his DJ is

    The same DJ  playing breaking up songs and xmas songs during cocktail hour - not to mention he barely spoke english

    - vendors (DJ, florist and photographer) leaving there business cards all over the tables

  13. My husband's cousin got married in the municipal park in a very small town. The community center was right there, too, so that's where the "reception" was.

    "Sam" the cousin, wore a jacket and pants and tie. Fine. "Ann" the bride, wore an ugly navy microfiber dress with white collar like a middle aged lady would wear to church. Sam's sister was the bridesmaid and she looked best of all in a very appropriate summer suit.  

    They had a visible "boom box" on which they played a CD for the ceremony music. Since it was a short aisle, it didn't take long for the bride, in her big hair and missing tooth, to come up. The ceremony itself took maybe fifteen minutes.

    After that, we waited outside in the sun while the chairs from the ceremony were moved in to the community center and guests were asked to help set up tables.

    One of my husband's aunts (the aunt who was Sam's mother had passed away and this was the only aunt left) was in the kitchen of the community center still slicing buns and making turkey and American cheese sandwiches. As I recall there was also punch, coffee, and lemonade served. There may have been chips and pickles as well.

    The tables were very crowded together. They were squeezing as many people into that reception as possible. They had a huge gift table and the bride was skipping around the room asking, "What'd you get me?" and laughing like a hyena.

    Turns out that was just the cheap as possible gift grab. Later that night they had a shindig to which my husband and I were not even invited, and none of the other cousins of similar age were either, which consisted of $1,000 worth of bottles and kegs, for their friends, got rip roaring drunk, and the bride evidently did a strip tease.

    Then, I suppose, they fell into bed in the farmhouse, where they slept in Sam's late parents' bed as he inherited the house after they passed away and made virtually no changes to it.

    Ann later made some classy changes like adding a John Deere wallpaper border all around and a huge flat screen tv to the tiny den. But they never updated the furniture, which my husband's dear Aunt had kept immaculate from the 1970s.

    Fun times!

    Two years later, Ann was cheating on Sam and they are now divorced.

  14. The bride's older sister was her maid of honor. I don't know if MOH was resentful that her little sis was getting married, or if she's just a party girl, because MOH got completely trashed within the first hour of the reception. When she was called upon to give her speech, she asked the guests to toast "to the rhythm method, without which [Bride] would not be here today."

    Their family was beyond embarrassed, and because MOH was at the head table they couldn't get her out without making a scene. It was terrible.

    But in general, I think the tackiest thing that many people do at weddings is smash cake in each other's faces. It's so vulgar and disrespectful. Way to ruin a beautiful wedding.

  15. -"Collage" picture thank you cards

    -Piratied CD's of the couple's songs for favors (yikes!)

    -Centerpieces with goldfishes that were later ate alive with shots of tequila

    -A pig roast... INDOORS!!!!! head,tail, teeth and all

    -An undergage bride, drink at her own reception, falling on the dance floor drunk and sleeping her own reception away on a chair

    -No water and hardly any food on a California dessert wedding, but we were sorrounded by 5k of flowers, there were 2 photographers, one videographer etc.

    -Cash bar

    -Pizza and soda rehearsal dinner

    -The dollar dance on a 40k wedding!!!!!

    -5k spent on flowers, but yet, the flower girl walks down the aisle with a plastic ring of flowers on her head

    -Gifts for 16 BM and GM, but NONE for the in-laws!

    -30 minute endless slide shows, to include one picture of the bride when she worked in Hooters!

    -Speches required from all 16 GM and BM... people were asleep on the tables

    -Rude and demanding couples that think their wedding party are their slaves and used them as free labor

    -Outreagous registries that include plasma tvs, video games and wiis.

    I can go on and on

  16. weirdest thing i've seen at a wedding is one of the best man pulling out a cracker jack box to pull the ring out of hah. one of my best friends weddings

    but i did see tap dancing at a funeral was weird and insanely out of place

  17. The wedding was in a park and we actually had to pay to get into the park. At the same wedding, the bride walked down the aisle to "CoCo Curious" by Maxwell.....which is not a long song ut a s*x song. The wedding reception was in the bride's backyard and it was in Miami where there was alot of mosquitoes. It was a horrible wedding.  

  18. Mine isn't at the wedding but at the rehearsal dinner.  Actually it had to do with my EX Mother-In-Law and my parents.  My ex husbands parents had agreed to pay for our rehearsal dinner, but wanted us to pick some where that wasn't so expensive, so we cam up with Olive Garden, anyways alot of my family live where we live, but like 90% of his guests live out of town, so our rehearsal dinner was about 100-125 people, and most was his side.  So the evening of the rehearsal dinner, we all got there ate, and his side some of the people ordered bottles of wine, my family does not drink, so they racked the bill way up, and at the end of the meal, when the waiter went to take the bill to his parents, they sent the bill down to my parents and left.  So my parents were stuck paying for that on top of a $65,000 wedding!  Talk about cheap... needless to say the marriage didn't work out.  LOL

  19. I went to a wedding that was a disaster!!! They had balloons and confetti on plastic table clothes. The balloons coordinated with the royal blue fake carnations in vases. The bride and groom wanted to drink at their dry reception so they pulled a van up to the exit doors in the Knights of Columbus Hall and mixed themselves some beverages. They are both over 250 lbs and after the ever-visual-garter toss, told a story of how they were "being intimate" in the shower and the bathtub collapsed into the floorboards and they almost fell through the ceiling. To boot, the groom likes the "pimps and hoes" look and was decked out in an all white tux, cane, top hat w/fur, cigar and some type of faux-skinned shoes. It was just awful.  

  20. At my cousin's wedding she told the Brides Maids they could change after pictures (she did get themt he most uncomfortable looking dresses I have ever seen. GORGEOUS but nto comfy) anyways so they all came out in nice party dresses except one....Walked in wearing a torn t-shirt and denim overalls.  It was disgusting.  It looked like she was headed out to work on the farm for the day (no lie there was a stain on the knee) lol.

    EDIT: I'm sorry I know in some areas cash bars are a huge no-no. But in toher areas (MINE for instance) they are perfectly acceptable and usually assumed to be there unless the bride and groom specify open bar!! So please don't call them "tacky" it may offend some people who live in an area where it ISN'T! same with the dollar dance, some places it is PERFECTLY acceptable!!! There are many customs I find "tacky" or are "tacky" in my area but I didn't mention them because in some areas they are acceptable if not EXPECTED!  geez people! get over yourselves

  21. How about the best man (also father of the groom) making his speech and referring to the bride as being "picked up on the street corner" after which the groom "decided to keep her around for awhile". That was pretty horrible...

    Other things that fall under "tacky" in my area, that I have seen, would be:

    - cash bar

    - dollar dance/wishing well/any form of monetary or gift request

    - fake flowers

    - guests who wear the same dresses as the strippers at the bachelor party (yikes!)

    - bride and groom cake fighting

    - physical brawls erupting at weddings between guests or family (twice I have seen this!)

    Hey, they might be tacky, but we do remember those events, don't we??? LoL...

  22. The bridal party all running around in barefeet in an elaborate ballroom wedding. That's fine for the beach, but if you're having an elegant evening affair, barefeet is so NOT that. Keep your shoes on, please.

  23. People wearing shorts and a t-shirt to his cousins wedding...also at the same wedding the bridesmaids changed outta their dresses into jeans etc was very odd but the booze was tops lol.

  24. One where the groom was almost totally forgotten.  This from a bride who was a high powered bank Vice president.  I think its very inconsistent for a woman to expect equal treatment and then turn around at her wedding and expect everyone to treat her like a princess.

    The tackiest part was in a 30 minute slide show there were only 3 photos of the groom.

  25. The tackiest was my cousin's wedding that was right around diner time. We were all starving after the ceremony and looking forward to the meal. We found out that the mother of the bride had to go home and get the food and bring it all back. FINALLY it was time to eat so we go through the buffet line and find three huge vats of corn (enough to probably feed ten times the number of people there), a few other assorted side dishes and "mystery meat." We orginally thought it was ham when we picked it up but back at the table discovered that it was a thick slice of, what we can only assume, SPAM.  

  26. nothing personally.  Although I do think cheap fake flowers are tacky.  If you want some laughs check this out:

    Oh...I remember one now.  A family friend asked my sister if her son could get married at her house.  He and his bride were young and poor so me and my sisters did what we could do to help them have a nice, small wedding ceremony.  A small cake, some flowers, we asked our pastor to marry them,

    we decorated the fireplace in her living room with candles and flowers, etc and turned all the seating towards the fireplace but there wasn't a tremendous amount of room but it was enough for the number of people that were going to be there.

    Sooooo before everyone passes out with anticipation I'll tell ya what happens!  The bride's family shows up and they were a tad bit...shall we say....trashy.  Everyone sits down and the ceremony starts and I notice her whole family, sitting on my sister's couch, just a few feet from the bride, groom and pastor, puffing away on cigarettes!....During the whole ceremony!  Now...none of us minded the fact that they smoked but to do so during the ceremony was the most classless, mannerless and tackiest thing I had ever seen.

    When the last person left that day....without saying a sisters and I looked at each other and just busted out laughing.  I can't believe I would ever forget that story!

  27. Well, I've seen those e-mails with the hilarious pictures of tacky weddings but I've never actually been to one THAT over the top. The tackiest thing I saw at a wedding was one of my friends who had the food served out of crockpots and stuff. I've always associated weddings with something a little more upscale than that. I felt bad because I know she probably wanted something nicer but unfortunately her MIL seemed to be running the show.  

  28. Really judgmental guests that want to point out how "tacky" everything is; even though it's the bride and groom's day and they love it.

  29. The only tackiest thing I have seen at a wedding is a violin

  30. I hate to criticise anyone, it's not really fair to do that as people have different budgets and not everyone can afford the huge lavish affair.  However, I went to one wedding where the hotel let the couple down so badly, it really was tacky but totally not the fault of the couple who had organised the wedding.  They were supposed to use the hotel's conservatory for the reception, but it was full of junk, so they were forced to use the "Ballroom" which was hideous, dark, dank and 70's looking!!  The food was also a huge disappointment to the bride and groom, and I felt so sorry for them.  What a let down, but they behaved beautifully, threw us a great party and then got their money back afterwards, which they rightly deserved.

  31. Tackiest was at my wife's cousin's wedding, when the wedding party emerged from the limo at the reception beer cans and cigarettes in hand. Very classy. Even more so because the bride's 10 year old cousin was in the limo with them.

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