
What is the taxi fare from Jeddah Airport to Medina?

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What is the taxi fare from Jeddah Airport to Medina?




  1. why on earth would you wanna do that? i'm a local jeddawi..and honestly speaking...almost every other option available to transport you from jeddah to medinah would be cheaper!! if you wanna directly go from jeddahs airport to medinah...the best way is rent a car by day from the airport (key, budget...etc) you can get it really cheap if you went for the lower model cars...and can drive it yourself to's not hard to follow a very clear'll have a car at your disposal to zoom around and even stop at mecca on your way, you can stuff it with gifts and luggage and not worry about it till you get back to the airport and then just ship it cargo and all you have to do is put some gas in it....the whole thing will probably cost you less than the taxi fair for a round trip me!

  2. Soul has a good point.. yes its cheaper to rent, but

    having said this.. Our traffic here is horrible.. so if you are a bit intimidated by traffic, you might want to shell out the 100riyals for a ride and let another driver worry for you.. (just close your eyes, hang on and let him go) hahahaha!...

    I cant stand the traffic during high Hajj season.. Those are the times I wish I owned my own private helicopter.. lol

  3. i heard in the offseason u can go from jeddah to Madinah for like 50 saudi riyals. but during the season (like hajj or 'omra) it can get more than 100

  4. if you want take taxi from jeddah to al medina

    it cost (100$-130$) according to car model

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