
What is the teaching method of naturalism?

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What is the teaching method of naturalism?




  1. when I search on the Internet I found many useful lesson plans on this link

    They have lesson plans from Kindergarten to high school and college level

    Hope you found them helpful.

  2. I work in second language teaching.

    I've never heard of 'naturalism', but in language teaching there is a very well known approach called, 'The Natural Approach'.

    The Natural Approach is based on work by Krashen and Terrell.

    At the risk of really over simplifying, the foundation of the approach is that simply reading/listening to language is the only necessity in learning an additional language.  

    A few key hypotheses behind the approach are:

    1) studying grammar doesn't help people acquire language, it only helps people to understand the reasoning behind it (ie. but not to use it)

    2) reading/listening to material that is just above your current level is the only necessity, and most effective way, to improve in all aspects of language learning

    3) you have to be in a good mood, motivated, and comfortable (not nervous, tired, or frustrated) in order to acquire language properly

    There's a lot more to it than this... but that's a rough overview.

    I'm not sure if 'naturalism' is in reference to this approach, or if it bears any similarity... but the Natural Approach is based on research into 1st language acquisition (ie. children learning their mother tongue), and that is why it is called 'natural' - because it mimics the natural learning of people's first language.

  3. Experience.......Blessings Yahoo

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