
What is the technical name for a person who makes arrows?

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What is the technical name for a person who makes arrows?




  1. I have heard the word 'Arrowsmith' used - no connection to Aerosmith ;)

    The word you should use is 'Fletcher'. Because they 'fletch'!


    Edit - link!

  2. fletcher

  3. if he sings rock music as well arrow smith haha  sorry

  4. Fletcher

    it just occured to me why were prison uniforms printed with arrow heads on them and was there any connection with the old British show Porridge (about prisons) which had the main character called Fletcher

  5. I think they are called 'Fletcher's'

  6. A fletcher.

  7. An arrowsmith, technically a fletcher is the guy that puts the feathers on. I suppose you could say technically an arrowsmith is the guy that makes the arrow heads.

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