
What is the term called when a patient can't recornized a person?

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What is the term called when a patient can't recornized a person?




  1. according to my knowledge there is a disorder called retrograde amnesia which occurs after a patient obtains head trauma or brain infection. This causes certain long term memories to be inaccessible temporarily. This patient may be suffering from the above. If it is a older patient, he/she may have alzheimers disease which causes a decrease in the IQ. it is easy to then differentiate the two

    hope this helps:>

  2. Alzheimer

  3. you probably want either "amnesia" or "alzthemizers."

  4. There is a disorder where a person cannot remember faces. Not even of their parents, they forget.  People Magazine did an article about it.  I forget the name of the disorder.

    Alzheimers also gets  people mixed up. Like they will recognize their daughter as a wife and call the daughter by the wife's name.  Or they will mistake a stranger for a relative.

  5. amnesia...short/long term memory loss

  6. its probably one of the following three listed...amnesia, alzheimers, short memory loss. if you or someone is going thru this situation please go and get help from your local doctor. its really dangerous and could cost harm

  7. Alzheimer's disease..

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