
What is the term for the fear of dentist?

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What is the term for the fear of dentist?




  1. Good common sense. Its completely irrational to allow a complete stranger inside your mouth with sharp instruments, pliars and drills. Anyone who's not uncomfortable with this is insane!

  2. Dentist phobia

  3. 1. Dentophobia or Dental Phobia

    2. "The White Coat Syndrome" :

    This is more of a polished / suave expression that some people use instead of the actual term "Dentophobia".

    I have had some patients deny the fact that they demostrate dental phobia and state that they suffer from "the white coat syndrome", meaning as soon as they see the dentist or the doctor their pressure goes up and/or they get nervous.

    They insist that they are not scared of the dentist !!

  4. stupid

  5. It depends on the extent and cause of the fear. If it's a fear of the unknown, i.e. being worried about what might happen, it's called "dental anxiety". If the fear is immediate, i.e. the person is actually in the situation and knows (or think they know) that something bad is coming, then it's called "dental fear". If a person avoids dentists at all costs, even when in pain, it's called "dental phobia".

    There are other words such as "odontophobia" to describe a phobia of dentists or dental procedure, but these tend to be words which were made up to make them sound more "scientific".

    The reasons why people have a fear of dentists are manifold. Some people have a fear of dental procedures, while others have a fear of dentists as people (usually because of bad experiences in the past, like having been scolded or disbelieved about being in pain or ignored when signaling the dentist to stop), or a combination. Other people are scared because the dental situation reminds them of past situations which were similar in some respect, for example, oral sexual abuse.

    There is a more detailed discussion of dental anxiety, fear and phobia here:

  6. I think it's odontophobia.

  7. Dentophobia- Fear of dentists.


  8. not taking out the other tooth..

  9. IT IS odotontophobia

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