
What is the term used when hitting the top of the beer bottle with the base of another beer bottle?

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When you hit the top of a bottle full of beer with with the base of another beer bottle, it will cause it to overflow. Is there a term for this beer trick?




  1. Bottoms uupp!

  2. I usually use the term; "YOUR AN AS$H0LE!"

    but really im very nice and i wouldn't actually care. its just funny.

    well actually it is a party foul. YOUR WASTING BEER!

  3. Beer Bong is what we called it in collage. It is called tapping like the answer before me wrote but it pretty  well is  the  same idea  it  gets  rid of the  Co2  so  it  goes  into  your belly  quicker I have also heard it being called "slamming"

  4. It is called a "Mandatory Chug Initiative".  When MCI is called and the botle is tapped, you open immediatly, pour the suds down your throat and chug it.  It pretty much weeds out the weak drinkers from the die hards, and also gives you that added buzz of having all the suds worked up, and driven to kill every brain cell in your head.  

    So whatever you call it, Tap, MCI, you're basically doing the same thing as pouring a beer in a funnel down a tube to your mouth.  or poking the bottom side of a can and popping the top to chug it.

    pretty much more longevity to the buzz cycle.

  5. I believe the technical term is "being a d**k." That's what I always use, anyway.

  6. When someone does it to me, I call it begging for an *** whupping.

  7. It's tapping, or a call to "bottoms up" your beer, the guy who does the tapping is challenging you to finish your drink in one swig, but he's cheating 'cos the beer in his bottle's overflowed.

  8. We just called it "tapping" :)  i know... sooooo technical right? :D

  9. yes, this is known as a beer gasm! it's like a o****m for people but for beer! ha ha!

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