
What is the term when he pays for the tickets and u pay for the drink and popcorn?

by  |  earlier

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Its like going dutch but i cant think of it please help




  1. The term is "cheapskate"

    He pays for everything, you hear me? Everything! Honestly, is chivalry dead? Don't answer that.

  2. It's my understanding that going Dutch is when each person pays his own way completely. Not sure if there is a specific term for what you are describing. I would just say it's taking turns footing the bill as many friends do.

  3. going dutch.

    Both people pay.

  4. He got the better deal!

  5. its called "going Dutch"

  6. It's call sharing.  Yes, it's kind of like going dutch .... though the Dutch themselves are not implicated.

  7. are you thinking of going dutch?

    thats where you pay for yourself.

  8. It's called "going Dutch".

  9. it's called friendship...sharing the load and the benefits.

    if you don't pay anything, do the paying next time! or have him over for dinner.

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