
What is the term “glass ceiling?” Who is impacted ? What can companies do to help break it?

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In employment law, what is the term "glass ceiling"? Who is impacted? What can companies do to help break it?




  1. The term "glass ceiling" refers to a kind of invisible or unacknowledged barrier that keeps people from being promoted past a certain point.  This term is usually used in reference to discriminatory employment practices-- the glass ceiling can be present for people because of race, gender, sexual orientation, or other factors.

    For example, before the feminist movement took place and began working on women's employment rights, there was a definite glass ceiling in place for women.  They could hold jobs, but they wouldn't be promoted to the higher positions and salaries that men enjoyed at the time.  This is the ceiling.  It is "glass" because it is not directly acknowledged.  Women weren't promoted, but their boss wasn't announcing to them that it was because of their gender-- it was implied by the frequency of the practice and the habits of the company.

    Companies that maintain glass ceilings can help by first becoming *aware* of the problem, acknowledging it, and maintaining awareness of that problem when issuing promotions, making new hires, etc.  Some companies also adopt affirmative action programs to make up for past discriminatory practices.  These programs give priority to women, people of color, or other previously-maligned groups when hiring or promoting employees.

    Hope this helps clear things up!

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