
What is the the irish /british fued all about,, why wont the brits just leave ireland alone?

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What is the the irish /british fued all about,, why wont the brits just leave ireland alone?




  1. I'm sure if you asked any British politician or British citizen if they would give Northern Ireland back to the Irish, they would say, in a heartbeat, "yes". They have no real interest in staying there and in my opinion, their reluctance to leave is based on keeping the peace and nothing more.

    Having said that, 800 years is a very long time for a country to occupy another so political transformations take a bit of time. I suggest you take a look at any information on wikipedia under anglo-irish agreements. that should give you some idea.

  2. yo stop Shiite stirring about things you know nothing about

  3. What r you on about? It is people like you who cause feuds - try keeping up with the news

  4. What are you on there is no problem with any one in Northern Ireland it is all in the mind we are all at peace no since the good Friday agreement

  5. Your question brings two words to mind...

    1) Cabbaiste

    2) Amadan

    Hope that helps.

    ps. You'll need a bigger spoon...

  6. There are so many Loyalists (pro British) in Northern Ireland, in fact they are the majority. Even if the politicians decided to restore home rule it would not work because there would be extreme civil unrest. The new joint gvt they have just established seems like it could work, though, and I think most Irish people are  pretty optimistic about it. I know I am.

  7. i think you should leave well alone,it is such a long story and it is difficult to say,but the famine was so terrible,and i do get upset when we speak about it,and you only have to visit the famine graves to see why people get upset.but it is wrong that England own northen Ireland,

  8. there's no fued-they have left us alone...we became independent years ago :)

  9. I have no idea why.The  bloody brits should just give Northern Ireland back to the Irish!!Tiocfaidh Ar La.

  10. The reason is that Britain colonised Ireland in the 1600s, and made it officially part of the United Kingdom in 1801.  Most Irish people didn't like this, so they spent the next hundred years or so trying to gain independence.  It finally happened in 1921, except that in exchange six counties in the north of the country had to remain part of the UK.  These counties are known as Northern Ireland and are still part of the UK today.  Some people (loyalists/unionists) want to keep it this way and others (nationalists/republicans) want NI to become part of the Republic.  There really isn't much of a feud between Ireland and Britain at all, except for some Irish people who are still upset at the way Irish people were treated during the British occupation.

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