
What is the the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you?

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What is the the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you?




  1. I was crapped on by a bird twice in one day.  Different birds.

  2. i got into a fight on the freeway

  3. I hit two cats with my car on the same night, about 7 miles away from each other ( I had never hit a cat before or since ).

  4. things happened  that changing how i think in my life.

    like its d most weirdest to found out that everything that me seen is really just  understanding n   memories  of our limited mind       thing .  

    n sometime just wonder is anythin in dis world is still for sure ?

  5. While at the park one day a grizzled, kinda crazy looking old guy came up to me, talking non-stop about this and that and telling me what my future held for me. Of course none of it came true. But it was weird.  I'm sorry I can't beat Airborne's weird adventure.

  6. About 10-15 years ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and was thirsty.  While wandering from my bedroom to the kitchen, it got really bright outside - almost as bright as daylight.  All of the blinds were closed on the windows, so I didn't get to see what the source was.  There were a couple of lights on inside the house... as it got bright outside, the lights in the house dimmed, almost like a brown out.  It only lasted a few seconds.  The light outside quickly faded, and the lights in the house went back to normal.  Whatever caused it was very large and very bright...  from where I was standing in the house, all of the windows within view lit up.  The front, side, and back of the house all got bright at the same time.

    At first I thought maybe it was a helicopter over the house with it's light on... but there was no noise.  Also, a helicopter wouldn't have caused the lights to dim.

    My outrageous twilight zone theory:  It was an alien spacecraft, sucking energy from the land below to propel itself.

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