
What is the theme song of Absolut Vodka TV commercial?

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  1. New Order - Ceremony done by some other band according to wikipedia but it sure sounds like the New Order version

  2. it's Ceremony by English band New Order (Joy Division)

  3. Actually you are all wrong. It's some crappy NY hipster band called Fall On Your Sword COVERING a song that was originally written by Joy Division,but was only played live. After Ian Curtis killed himself and the band recouped as New Order,they made a couple proper studio versions. I own the original pressings of both New Order versions,as well as the live version featured on Joy Division's "Still album on vinyl,cassette,and CD.

    If you're going to try and be all "music snob" about things,you best come correct,because if you can't tell between one of the most distinctive and influential bands and some c**p "just got into it yesterday so I can wear my sister's pants with a white belt" neo-new wave band who were born years after new wave,then you might as well go back to your Britney Spears and T-Pain.

  4. That is correct.  It is New Order Ceremony the Alternate version.  An amazing song after almost 30 years!

  5. IT IS NOT.

    It's New Order's "Ceremony"

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