
What is the theory behind Creationism?

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What is the theory behind Creationism?




  1. Be careful when using the word "theory", as it can cause people to become misinformed.

    A scientific theory - Testable model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise verified through empirical observation.

    Everyday usage of theory - A guess, thought, idea, etc...

    Creationism is the religious belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in their original form by a deity (often the Abrahamic God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam) or deities, whose existence is presupposed.

    Basically, God poofed everything.

  2. Simply, God created everything.   +?+

  3. I would recommend 2 books to help you answer this, as time and space definitely don't permit a thorough or even a decent response here. Scientific Creationism and The Genesis Flood. If you are sincere in your request you will read them.

    Hey xtsuafx: You just stated why evolution is also not a scientific theory. Sorry, it's true. Evolution also fails this test. Hence the reason why I continue to insist that evolution is not science, it is a belief about events that occurred in the past. And as we all know, and you just admitted, science can not test events from the past.

  4. 'Goddidit'

  5. adam eve talking snake apples.

  6. That an "Intelligent Designer" (whether it be God or not) was responsible for creating life, as well as matter that makes up the elements of the world.

    *Note, this does have scientific evidence :D

  7. There isn't really a theory, as theory implies that it can be tested and may be wrong.  Creationism believes that the biblical account in genesis is accurate.  Anything that supports this view is considered good science, anything that contradicts it is considered either lies, propaganda, or bad science.  

  8. There is no theory, not worth the name theory anyway.

    There is simple blind faith and an accompanying distortion of the facts.

  9. The universe is expanding, Scientists say if we were to reverse the expansion. Every thing would have started at a single point. The size of the tip of a needle. Now they say, What caused the point. then the big bang. And even more interesting. Why? I know how and why, But you wouldnt believe me.

  10. You taint the word theory by associating it with creationism. Who's proponents don't even know the meaning of the term scientifically.


    repeat ad nauseum.

  12. For people of limited inteligence, little, or no education or too lazy to investigate, it's a theory that effectively answers the complex, millenia-old questions about the origins of this universe and everything in it, including humanity. It's a therory that works perfectly for them because it doesnt require any proof or evidence. People of "faith" accept this theory to explain complicated issues like pain, disease, , suffering and death, and they don't even have to support their claims with any kind of proof. The theory of creationsim worked wonderfully for many early peoples of this planet. It worked just fine at a time when people had no idea what caused rainfall or thunderstorms, what caused earthquakes and fires or what an electron or a virus were. Early peoples attributed everything to some distant deity pulling the strings from some heavenly place up in the sky.In this modern era, however, smart people reject creationism as pseudo-science which offers no proof whatsover. If you are someone who likes to believe blindly in fairy tales, then creationism is for you. You have to have a bunch of faith. And faith is a cool thing if it helps you at the personal level, but the world, my friend, doesnt operate on faith, the world operates on FACT. The theory of creationism is a theory of faith. The theory of evolution is a theory based on  FACT.

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