
What is the thing in the back of your throat behind you uvula that looks like a tiny tongue ?

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all of my friends think that i have some deformity because i have this little tongue that sticks up behind my uvula and none of them have it or if they do we cant see it. does anyone have any idea what this is and if its normal?




  1.  Everyone has one of these "mini tongues" it is called the epiglottis. There is a condition when you can see it in children and it's called a high rising epiglottis, search it up 

  2.  I have that too. I always wondered what it is. 

  3.  me and my son also have the same thing  my fience tells everyone i have two tounges  lol and i just spotted it in my sons tonight  i have had it my whole like  and i have been woundering what it could be  but never had n e luck at finding out what itis  ..... i thought it was just me  and now my son  thank gosh its not  now i dont feel like a freak lol hahaha jk ...

  4. Guest 1326, and Guest 22231906,  if you have since found out what that is, please let me know. I observed the same thing at the back of my daughter's tongue this evening, and have had no luck finding any clues online. Thank you! And for those who posted in reply to the first two, it is NOT the uvula, it IS sticking up, not down, from the back of my daughter's tongue. It is NOT her tonsils, it is directly in the middle of her tongue. It sticks up, and curls a little at the edges, and does not touch the roof of her mouth. She will have a check up in the next couple of months, or before if I can't find any answers.

  5. I have that too.. it looks like a small tongue behind your toungue.. I asked my Dr. once and asked if it was the vavle thing to block off your airway.. they said They didn't know what it was.. maybe extra lymphnotic tissue.. ?? .. My son has the same thing.

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