
What is the thing most people do on New Years in lebanon?

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I will be in lebanon this year for new years although I do not celebrate holidays I am curious what to expect. Is it like the big cities in the US on new years? Do ppl even do anything for new years. I asked my husband if the hezbollah act up for new years and start shooting or something and hes like they might lol he scared me a lil bit.




  1. mm they do celebrate new year's night here is so amazin its wonderfull really,don't worry abt war and such things isn't gona happen everythin now is great and the weather is good ,hopefully u'll have much fun good luck:).

  2. In Lebanon there are many ways to celebrate New Year's Eve...some people gather up with friends in some house or chalet in the snow and bring their food and drinks and spend the night eating and talking and playing games, others go out to fancy restaurants where there is usually a program on (with singers and dancers), some pple go clubbing all night to different clubs at the same time and some celebrate it in the streets (downtown Beirut) where there's usually countdown till midnight, fireworks and lots of fun.

    I hope you have a great time when you visit

  3. first Lebanon is the most country in the world who celebrates New Year. second hizb Allah scared you but Israel wont scared you at all.

  4. people mostly stay in closed places like restaurants, pubs, hotels ballrooms, houses, chalets, but we enjoy fireworks, it is a nice time of the Year, for Me, it is not so special, I just watch a movie or have dinner with my loved ones.. I guess it depends, but nothing national, no, I guess not..

  5. Yaaaaaaaaawn ....I usually sleep through it !   I am sooooo boring ! lol

  6. New Year's Eve is amazing here, they do all kinds of celebrations, however; this year mine is guna be so special cause my fiancee whom i said goodbye to tonight ='( is coming to spend it with me... Good to have u back Shally, really missed u, i've been away for a while too, anw hope ur fine. Love u xx

    Edit -- Yeah u'll be next to me =) can't wait to meet u too, Mwah !

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