
What is the thing to do right now that the economy is so bad? Is there any job that will pay a good salary?

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alot of people are complaining about getting pay less than 1 or 2 years ago, Mortgage companies are closing down, Real Estate Companies are merging and closing some offices, this is affecting us, what will be the best thing or the best choice for people to make more money or have a good job at this time... Any ideas?




  1. yes

  2. Get a time machine, go back to 2000 and show the Supreme Court a newspaper or a tape of a news cast from today and beg them not to put Mr. Bush in office.  Really, this is bad, we are just going to have to ride this one out, it won't be good, we will probably come out of this Depression a lot poorer than we went in.  Maybe we will elect a Mao Tse Tung kind of leader if things get bad enough, and he will just take away all the money that the rich people stole under Bush.  

  3. if u can't find any work in your field then the military can always serve as a backup plan. with a college degree i know u can start as an officer in the coast guard for 35000 a year, and while the military isn't for everyone, it is a guaranteed and secured job

  4. start with voting for OBAMA!

  5. The economy is strong...

    Foxnews, McCain and Bush said so

  6. The best way to get a good job is to search and go to college.  Nothing has changed.  Yes, some companies are closing down and there is inflation, but our economy isn't as bad as the media wants you to believe.  

    Also keep in mind John D. Rockefeller's famous quote: ""These are days when many are discouraged. In the 93 years of my life, depressions have come and gone. Prosperity has always returned and will again."  Remember, during the Great Despression, unemployment never peaked over 25% (

    Edit: ...and don't let any of these idiots try and convince you that our economic state is Bush's fault.  They obviously haven't heard of Congress or the Federal Reserve...

  7. be a teacher. when people get laid off many choose to go back to school for some kind of education or job training either in community colleges or in universities. this means that higher education enrollment is going up particularly in inexpensive schools such as community colleges, trade schools, and vocational schools. if you have an advanced degree or a special skill, you might wish to look into part time teaching as an adjunct lecturer or professor, the other option is to get a recognized certificate to teach english and go overseas as an english language teacher. the demand for qualified english teachers is going through the roof in japan, south korea, china, taiwan, and thailand.

  8. I still believe that the fashion industry and things like it that cater to the wealthy and to disposable income are the way to go.

    I chose to be a fashion photographer some years ago, forseeing that the economic policies of the Reagan administration (Sovereign loans, leverage, foreign policy built on military spending and sales) -- that all these were profoundly "inflationary" in that created markets were constructed like Pyramid schemes (Real Estate) and had poor ethics (Iran-Contra).  My idea was based on looking back at the Great Depression, where those that were in the entertainment industry were among the few who enjoyed a good lifestyle while others, even professionals scrounged to have enough to eat and house themselves.

    Though I did not forsee the incredible polarization of wealth that has occurred (which reminds me of 18th C. France just before the Revolution) -- much less the downright criminal aspects of modern banks -- the basic premise seems to be true.  People will buy a little piece of luxury in the form of a magazine, or a name-brand perfume or accessory, even if it means compromising on basic life necessities.

    Unfortunately, with the fortunes made in the 80's and 90's in the stock and real estate markets, what has happened is that the children of those who cashed in are now planted in the editorial positions at the magazines (usually working for next-to-nothing), or are eternal "students" while their parents pay the rent.  And they have cornered the Art gallery business as well, with the pieces of junk they produce having become the latest 'investment'.  It's as closed as any medieval guild ever was, minus the apprenticeship and skill.

    Fortunately, in the last couple of years there's been a resurgence of a demand for quality as well as prestige -- though going into department stores and seeing the displays of $1000 handbags or hearing about night clubs and strip joints doing a land-office business is disheartening.  If you can stomach it, though, selling such things in a luxury places on commission, or for tips waiting on the new leisure-class can make you a very comfortable, even extravagant living.  At the same time, there is real growth in demand for all things "green", and companies that subscribe to ethical practices as a policy are doing better than most, and usually pay their employees fairly.

    Still, it's getting to the point where it appears that Karl Marx was, like his contemporary Albert Einstein -- simply ahead of his time.  He said that the inherent greed of capitalism would make it so that one day the working class would not be able to adequately feed and shelter themselves -- and that the result would be armed revolution.

    The 21st Century streets of New York City look like a carcass that's been devoured by jackals.  The spirit of enterprise and everyday work seem to have disappeared, not to mention the sense of elegance that was here even 30 years ago.  Perhaps it's just a phase -- the real "trickle-down effect" of  years spent under a blind and arrogant administration.   But like the wilderness the same people would so glibly destroy to fuel their SUV's, it may be that we have reached a point where the sense of dignity that was once an integral part of every Ameican's image of himself has been mortgaged to the point of bankruptcy and will not soon be restored, if ever.  I really try to reassure myself it is not the case, and start each day seeking to do my best.  But like so many I am scared as much as hopeful.

  9. I do not know how to best answer your question but if your serious about making money I know of someone who will tap you into her system almost free.  See for yourself.

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