
What is the things to be aware of in London ?

by Guest32829  |  earlier

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can you please tell me what the things to be aware of in London ?

& what is the most important thing to take ?

& where is the most fun place to go over their ?

& what is the best restaurant over their?

:D going over their soon

& ThanKs for answering :D




  1. I don't do reviews of restaurants or guides to attractions - I'm sure that you can find plenty of those on the Internet.  On the basis that you're coming from outside the UK, my advice would be as follows.

    Britain is a reasonably civilised country, and most of the things that you're likely to need can be bought in the shops.  It's not like you're going on safari and have to bring everything.

    In Britain, we drive on the left-hand-side of the road so bear that in mind when crossing the road or you'll be at risk from traffic coming from a direction you're not expecting!

    Despite reports in the press, London is no worse for crime than most other major cities, although be smart - Don't show off your money, jewellery, iPod, mobile phone, etc. in public places, and steer clear of areas away from the tourist spots unless you either know where you're going or are with someone who does.  

    If you need emergency services, dial 999 - You'll get an operator who'll ask if you need police, fire brigade or ambulance, and you can take it from there.

    The transport network is a bit over-priced but it works.  Buses, tubes and the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) should get you to most places in central London.  Look into getting a travelcard or bus pass which gives more or less unlimited travel on these - Ask at a tube station or newsagents shop.

    Oh, and when you get to London, buy a pocket 'A to Z' - It's a handy street-map with a street-name index in the back.  If you get lost then it'll help you find your way, and if you need to ask directions it'll be useful for the person you're asking to show you the way.

    Good luck!


  2. Pigeon ****! Watch out!

  3. best thing is to be INFORMED- there are tons of official and unofficial websites on London- there are many travel guides and maps

    what are your interests? history? theater? shopping? museums?

    write down what you want to do and see- try to have Flexible plans

    many tourist sites are in the same areas- museums are great for Rainy days- and most are Free.

    Know the exchange rate for money- use ATM's  or banks and avoid those exchange places- they rip you off

    get info on transport so you know how to use them

  4. Will this by some chance be your first international trip?

    London is HUGE and you'll want to plan your trip more carefully than anyone on Yahoo! Answers can do for you.  

    Best advice is to start with a couple of website searches.  

    Then go to the library and check out a couple of city guide books like Fodor's, Frommer's, Rick Steves, Lonely Planet.  Doesn't matter if they're old - the best stuff to see in London will be old anyway (prices and schedules of entrance could change but the travel guides are to help you figure out what you want to see).

    Plan for all sorts of weather.  If you intend to do a walking tour and then it rains, have a backup plan for visiting indoor arenas (museums, theatre, shopping)

    Restaurants ... this is the impossible question.  There are a bazillion in London and the surrounding area.  Be sure to try pub food at least once.  If you're from the US, expect to ask for ice in your cold drinks (you'll get one cube - they just don't get it).  

    Also, if you're staying in hotels, they do not automatically give what Americans call "wash cloths".  In the UK they're called flannels, and the smaller hotels may not even have them to offer, so take 2-3 of your own from home.

    Milk, chocolate and beef taste different in the UK - their grazing lands are different from the US so the taste of their food is different.

    A Bap is a sandwich roll

    Flora and Fauna are some sort of margerine (I can't recall the details)

    Learn the currency BEFORE you go.  Know how to make basic change.

    Take an electricity adapter.  Hotels will have them but not an endless supply.

    Don't change your money at the airport -- it's frightfully expensive.  If you must change some, make it a small amount and then get to a local bank to take advantage of the best exchange rates.

    have fun!

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