
What is the thought process of a working class pawn?

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Seriously. I have friends who are Republicans despite the fact that they are struggling to pay their rent, can't afford to fill the gas tank in their vehicles, have children who will soon be forced to follow the religious beliefs of elected officials without freedom of choice, are losing their homes because they can't pay the mortgage, are getting their cars repossessed because they can't make the payment? If you're daddy was rich, or if you did work hard and were fortunate enough to be well paid for your work and are earning 200,000 a year or more and I can understand you being a Republican. But how can a working class person who works hard every day and still has to struggle to put food on the family table vote for a Republican after they have done absolutely nothing to help the average citizen in the country? Is it political ignorance? Is it wishful thinking - voting Republican makes them feel like one of the ten percent? Are they willing to sacrifice their families well being in order to have their religion imposed on others? Please explain?




  1. I know people no better off than I am supporting McCain aliong racial lines just because they look more like McCain than they do Obama.

    I know a county cop who actualy thought Obama was a Muslim, until I pointed out pastor Wright ran a Church of Christ.

    I know a guy like you do fighting to make ends meet voting Republican just on the abortion issue.

    There are the people that will bury this country.

  2. They realize that the Republicans arent this all evil party that you seem to think it is.

  3. Im a workin class conservative (not republican, more libertarian in beliefs), but Im not struggling.  My thought process is that I dont want a huge government dictating my life, giving me programs that I dont even want (government health care: all the efficiency of the post office and all the compassion of the IRS, plus government tracking of your health issues).

    As far as religious beliefs go, humanism is the state religion of the USA, and it is pushed by both parties, but far more by the democrats.  Instead of being "democratic" about religion, they are more "dogmatic", saying basically if you are a Christian ministry, you have to broadcast humanist viewpoints alongside of your own ("fairness doctrine") although people are perfectly free to turn off their radios or televisions, or change the channel if they do not like what they are hearing.  This amounts to nothing more than propaganda.  Why should a listener supported broadcast be forced to broadcast viewpoints the listeners dont agree with?  Should Howard Stearn be forced to broadcast segments of Pat Robertson on his show?

    The democrats USED to be about working class people.  Now they are about communism, and totalitarianism.  Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have Marxist viewpoints, which are products of humanism, because snce they believe in no deity, there is noone besides more "enlightened" humans to lead us, which these elitists all claim to be, and all claim to know what is better for us than we do.

    I am also union, and strongly believe in my union.  But many of my union brothers are jumping ship from the democrats for the same reasons.  We do not want a huge, overbearing government taking half of our paycheck (I already pay about 30%), forcing it's programs and agendas on us, and playing Robin Hood.  I would rather die than let the government take care of me, document every pock mark on my back, every time I have a cold, and track all of my habits.  

    This is my thought process.  Some people may enjoy being controlled and coddled, but I dont.  I love liberty.  I'd rather have freedom than health care, homeland security, or any of the other garbage most Americans are demanding from their government in exchange for civil liberties.

  4. Check mate

  5. When you grow up you will realize that there are two different kinds of people in this world. People that see obstacles like yourself and those that do not.  Homes, cars, jobs, parents religion or lack of are all important in life but are not what defines a person despite what the media may say. It is not the hard times in life that define a person it is how they handle those times that encapsulates them. It is the person with courage that works through these times and doesn't point the finger. It takes character to pick yourself up out of an undesirable situation without expecting the handouts so readily available. It takes determination and bravery to say no, no you cant temp me with free health-care, low interest government loans, welfare and social programs because I know that it lowers the playing field for all. You cant temp me by offering government stipends in return for a depletion of my personal rights. I guess I am a working class pawn in your mind but in many others opinion I am what this country has been missing for century's. I am not willing to sacrifice my family into a system of socialism and government control just so I can get a couple cents off of my fuel bill. I am not willing to release my family into a world of  obedience to a union of beliefs that doesn't not en-steel my values. My children will know that they are capable of anything and they will lift up those like yourself that have lost their desire to overcome. What have you done with you American spirit? Do you really believe anything you are writing or is this another Marxist attempt at misleading our youth? Perhaps some personal reflection is in order.

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