
What is the time difference between england and america??

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ta =D




  1. When it's noon in England, it's 7 a.m. in New York City.

  2. Standard time difference  to east coast is 5 hours,

    central time is 6 hours, mountain is 7 hours and Pacific is 8 hours with Hawaii and Alaska being 10 hours.

    Subtract one hour for daylight saving time where applicable.

  3. There are 360 degrees in a circle and 24 hours in a day, so the earth rotates 15 degrees per hour. The prime meridian of zero degrees longitude was chosen to the location of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, a suburb of London.

    So all you have to do is find the central longitude of the time zone you're interested in and divide it by 15 to get the difference (in standard time) in hours. It's earlier if you are west of Greenwich and later if you are east.

    The continental U.S. has four time zones, centered at 75º, 90º, 105º and 120º, so we are 5, 6, 7 or 8 hours earlier than England depending on who's on standard or daylight time.

  4. Since there are multiple time zones in some countries, and there is a variance during daylight savings time, it's easiest to go to this website and compare time zone to time zone. It will tell you exaclty the current times in both time zones.

  5. Approximately 150 years.

    Where I live in Ireland we just got traffic lights. Great fun watching them change colour. What a weekend.

    Some people I know are saving up for a automobile.

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