
What is the time wondow for a company charging debit card after u order something?

by  |  earlier

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I purchased some stuff online last week and i think the place is a scam so i tried to cancel my order but i havnt heard anything back yet. But my question is thay havnt charged my debit card yet because all the money is there and i was wondering how long of a time window do they have to charge me before they can no longer do so. Or is it an indefinite time window




  1. If its a scam they now have your personal info. I recommend canceling your card maybe even closing your account an opening up a new one. If you gave out your SSN or any other information then odds are your identity has already been stolen.

    Of course thats if it is a scam.  

  2. Your best bet would be to contact your bank. Let them know what is going on. My bank keeps a list of known scams. I'm not sure if all do or not.

    The amount of time before the funds are transferred out of your account will vary a lot depending on how the company charging your card processes their orders. I have seen it take as long as two weeks before funds were actually transferred out of my account. It made me very nervous as well, but everything came out just fine for me. Hopefully it will for you as well.

    Good Luck!!

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