
What is the tongue peicing procedure?

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i'm thinking of having my tongue peirced and would like to know the procidure from those that have had it done and how long it hurts for




  1. you go in fill out the paperwork they scan your license they ask you which jewelry you want you sit down and they get the jewelry ready. MAKE SURE they are opening a sealed package in front of you with the clamp and the needle and jewelry. they are going to have you use mouthwash then spit it out in the cup. then dry your tongue off with a paper towel then they'll put the clamp on and they should check and or adjust the clamps front and back for veins and whatnot. then they'll ask if you are ready. then you take a deep breath in and on the breath out you have a tongue piercing. don't hold your breath you could pass out. it hurts for like a week and you have to get alcohol free mouthwash to use like 2-3 times a day. and don't use gly-oxide, i hear it has goat's pee in it.

    good luck!

  2. Firstly you talk with the piercer about the procedure and aftercare, and you choose the jewellery you'd like them to use. You sit down, the piercer will check there are no veins in the way by shining a torch through your tongue and then clamp it if everything's okay, ask you to make sure you keep breathing and then they put the needle through your tongue. Most people say this part is painless, I personally found it to feel very uncomfortable but everyone's different and besides, it's all over in a few seconds. Then the jewellery gets put in, and you'll probably be told to stay sat down for a few minutes incase you feel faint. It hurts a little bit for about half an hour, then it's fine until the next morning when you'll wake up with a tongue swollen to about twice it' normal size. It'll be like this for a week or two, during which time you'll most likely be on a liquid diet and find it slightly difficult to pronounce certain syllables while you talk. Once this period is over you return to the piercer, they replace the bar with a smaller one and you're done :)  

  3. You can't eat solids for a week after because it swells up.

    Also, if they get the piercing slightly wrong and get the vein in your tongues you can die from blood loss as its really hard to stop it bleeding and they have no way of telling where the vein is in each different person.

    That's quite rare but it does happen.

  4. First you go in, the shop will have you fill out paper work and scan your i.d [standard for any body modification]. They'll look at your tongue to make sure there's no veins in the way. You sit in the chair and they dry it off with either a paper towel or something similar. They make you mouthwash and usually spit back in the same cup. Then they mark the dot, make sure that they don't use a marker, cause it's probably been on everyone else tongue. For me they used a drop of dye and a toothpick. If you like where it's placed than they clamp it, make sure its clamped where it should be, and take a deep breath in, and then on exhale they put the needle through. This should be a hollow needle if you go to a proper piercing place. For mine they went from needle, than had to put a taper bar in so they could slide the jewelry in. But keep in mind some places are different. So they might skip the tapered part. Make sure they show you everything packaged, and the sterilization lot or number, most places mark the packages. And watch them open the stuff too. If you piercing place sells it, buy some H2Ocean, it may taste a little funny, but it's formulated for piercings and tattoos, get the mouthwash kind of course. [It's a salt water wash with a little menthol in it.]

    After care is easy, rinse your mouth with the mouthwash 4-5 times a day after smoking, drinking, and eating, although avoid smoking if possible for about a month. Also buy a new toothbrush, to avoid additional germs introduced to your piercing, and try Biotene's toothpaste, its a mild formula, so it's least likely to hurt [I learned that from when I got my lip pierced, it just makes sense]. It will swell within the first couple hours, so to help with that take a pain pill that doubles as an anti-inflammatory [Aleve works, and so does ibuprofen]. Try taking these with bottled water, and just try to avoid tap water or non purified until it's healed. Stick with soups, jello, mushy foods or liquid foods during the first week or so [Oh and eat slowly, don't rush, cause you will bite your tongue ring, and that is way not fun]. Stay away from spicy foods, acidic foods [Sorry for you orange juice lovers], whole foods [For a week] crunchy foods [Don't want anything stabbing it] or anything with small particles such as poppy seeds [You really don't want anything to end up embedded in your piercing, talk about infection]. Make sure you eating carefully, you don't want to mistake the ball for some food, and chomp on it.

    After about a month the swelling should be fully gone, and you should go back in to get the barbell replaced to a shorter one. Oh, that's another thing to make sure. They should use a 3/4" barbell for the piercing to allow swelling, or it should be 50% bigger than the normal size of your tongue, and when it's healed the size should be about 1/2" barbell. If it's any longer than 1/2" it will cause more dental damage than you were bargaining for. The standard healing time is anywhere from 3-6 weeks depending on how fast or slow you heal. Oh and if you notice that your barbell has a little whiteish yellow fluid stuck to it, thats normal, it's just healing. If it turns a different color, or starts to taste bad, go talk to your piercer to find out what could be the problem, and it its serious, they'll tell you to go see your doctor.

    By the way, tongue piercings have also been linked to Endocarditis, which is an infection of the heart, so if your family has heart problems, I'd suggest getting something else pierced. But I'll leave that to your own decision. I choose to get mine anyways. GOOD LUCK!

  5. i guess all piercers have differant techniques but as a body piercer this is how i do it

    get client to stick thier tongue out dry off with a bit of kitchen towel just so the clamp dosnt slip

    put the clamp on the tongue lift and check for veins if it is then safe to do so pierce the tongue from bottom to top

    fit jewellery done

    its very quick and painless actually the most painless peircing to get u cant die if so do u honestly think there would be so many alive people with the piercing u can take ibuproven to make the swelling go done quicker and eat loads of ice

    you can normally eat normally after about 2 days

    once you have had the piercing dont smoke for  around 2 hours and no alcohol for 24-48 hours hope this helps  

  6. The tongue piercing isn't so bad its was just a little frustrating during the first few days. After they piercer pierces your tongue it will get swollen after 30mins or so. It will be difficult to eat solid foods during the first few days because of the swelling, so drink more fluids and soft foods. Avoid anything spicy until the tongue piercings is completely heal. Take advil for the swell, you can suck on crush ice and sleep with your pillow slighly in an angle so your chin is slightly above your heart, this helps with the swelling. Rinse your mouth with non-alcohol based mouth wash before and after you eat. Avoid any type of oral contact meaning kissing, etc with anyone and avoid smoking or drinking during the healing process. It takes 4-6 weeks for the tongue piercing to heal. After a 2-3 weeks you will notice the bar getting longer because the swelling will go down, you can change out the jewelry after when the tongue is completely healed. Good Luck

  7. my friend had her tongue pierced. she cleaned it all the time, but still managed to get an infection. she couldnt speak for ages and her tongue swelled right up. she ended up having to have an operation to get a bit of her tongue cut out.

  8. It will start by you sitting on the chair, and putting a paper towel under your chin.  Then you'll wash your mouth out with a mouth wash they have in the shop, and the piercer will put cotton balls in your mouth to soak up saliva and stuff (so its dry...makes the piercing easier.)  After that he/she will have you stick out your tongue so they can put the clamp on, and will mark a spot with a purple marker so he/she knows where to make the hole.  They'll ask if you're ready, you say yes, and the simple slip it through, then slip the barbell in.  

    It can hurt anywhere from a few days after to a week or two.  Just take pain killers and make sure you eat more "liquid foods"...jello, yogurt, get the drift.

    They sell amazing aftercare products for tattoos and piercings

    I would suggest getting mouthwash from there are gargling it after every meal/snack.  

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