
What is the top 10 cause of death in the US? What number is death by terrorists?

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How much of the US budget is spent on stopping Americans from dying from the Number 1 cause? How much is spent to keep Americans from dying form terrorism? Is it proportional?




  1. we can  predict most causes of death. we can only imagine the deaths from a terrorist attack . 3000 lives is not large compared to lives lost to other causes. what if it had been a nuclear attack? the cost of guarding against the unknown are very high.

  2. Based on 2002 CDC data, the top 10 causes of death in the United States are heart diseases; cancer; cerebrovascular disease; chronic lower respiratory diseases; accidents; diabetes mellitus; influenza & pneumonia; Alzheimers disease; nephritis, nephrotic syndrome & nephrosis; suicide.

    7 million people die annually in the US from heart disease.

    About $2 billion is spent annually on research funding for heart disease.

    3,000 people have died in the US from terrorist attack (9/11).  

    The requested budget for Homeland Security this year is $50 billion.

  3. 0 spending on helping The U.S. Government is the cause of the number one cause of death.

  4. The top cause of death is mortality.

    I'm pretty sure we've got researchers looking for Hestia's Fire, though.

  5. Drunk Drivers

    Drugged drivers

    Road rage



    Sports accidents

    Pl;ane crashes

    Natural causes


    no we kill each other more frequently every day

  6. abortion.  30 million people killed since 1973

  7. I don't know the answer to your question, but I believe that the number one job of our fedreral gov't is to provide for the national defense.

    Very little else is required by the Constitution. So I would like to see them spend a lot less on all the other stuff that they gotten involved it.

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