
What is the top 2 most popular food and where do they grow it in the country Vietnam?

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What is the top 2 most popular food and where do they grow it in the country Vietnam?




  1. Rice. Vietnam is a rice exporting country., and

    Fish.  It's plentiful from fresh water to sea foods.

  2. Vietname is one of the rice exporting countries.  

    Also, seafood and fish from freshwater.

  3. As a result of several land reform measures, Vietnam is now the largest producer of cashew nuts with a one-third global share and second-largest rice exporter in the world. Vietnam has the highest percent of land use for permanent crops, 6.93%, of any nation in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Besides rice, key exports are coffee, tea, rubber, and fishery products.

  4. Others have answered you on what the crops are. I'm going to repeat an answer I gave earlier to another question in order to answer your part of the question on where the farmlands are in Vietnam:

    " The northern third (north of Thanh Hoa Province) has three natural regions: the mountainous region, the midland hills and the Red River Delta. Farming is done mostly in the Delta but there also some in the hills. The climate is sub-tropical that produces two harvesting seasons: one in the summer and another in the fall.

    The central region (from Thanh Hoa to Phan Thiet) is mostly mountainous with only a long and narrow strip of land along the shore. Fertile agricultural lands are few and far between. The central highland (called the Western Plateau or Tay Nguyen) in Vietnam is cool year-round and can have great potentials for truck farming ( growing vegetables and flowers).

    The South has the great Mekong Delta region which is truly the breadbasket (or rice-bowl, if you prefer) of the entire nation. Extremely fertile and well irrigated, together with a tropical climate, anything would grow there and harvest season is year-round!

    Knowing the make-up of the land, now you can figure out there's no way in h**l the Vietnamese are going to let any foreign power control the southern region of their country, be it France or the US.

    See map via    "

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