
What is the top 5 inventions of all time.(after crist! i don't want something like fire; wheel; ect.)?

by  |  earlier

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As i said, nothing before crist. That is, BC. this is for a school project. thx!




  1. 1. toilet

    2. telephone

    3.  hockey

    4.  beer

    5.  boobies

    Note numbers 3 - 5 are interchangeable depending on circumstance

  2. heheheheeh Adolf, you see, you are right when you you point out something like that!

    1. mobile phone

    2. TV

    3. computer (laptop)

  3. A) It's "what are", not "what is".

    B) It's "Christ", not "crist".

    C) It's spelled "etc", not "ect".

    D) Prepare to receive a richly deserved F on your project.

  4. The steam engine has to be amongst the top five.  Because of that we had energy to have the industrial revolution.

    The aeroplane.  This indirectly led to the Space Program.

    The means to sterilize food for long term storage, ie canning, bottling, etc.

    Gun Powder.  Look at its effect on warfare since it was introduced to The West.

    I give up.

    When you finally whittle down your list, please share it with us.  I'd be interested in seeing your choices for top 5.

  5. Based on the impact that these inventions have had upon society, I would suggest:

    The automobile - changed the way that people travel around. (runner-up: steam engine)

    Television - transformed all of entertainment into a visual medium (runner-up: movie camera)

    The internet - changed the way that everyone communicates (runner up: cell phone)

    The airplane - made international travel possible and affordable, also changed modern warfare (runner-up: passenger trains)

    The light bulb - since I don't think "electricity" counts as an invention, and even if it did, the light bulb is the best manifestation of what it can do.  It made cities safer, made it possible for people to work around the clock, and decreased fires from candles...

    I'd love to suggest penicillin, but that's not really an invention, more of a discovery.  Most drugs/vaccines are a little hard to define this way.  I have to admit that gunpowder, which someone else suggested, is a pretty significant invention - maybe that's my number 6.

  6. 1. lights

    2. television

    3. mobile phone

    4. The internet

    5. and id say the last 1 would be something like petrol

    hope that helps :)

  7. Computer and MMORPG games

  8. 1.  electricity

    2.  airplanes

    3.  automobiles

    4.  computers

    5.  telephone

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