
What is the top speed of a 2007 kx 100 2 stroke?

by Guest66880  |  earlier

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i got mine about 8 weeks ago idk i am 13 my first dirtbike it is mad fun but anyways i was just wondering how fast it goes




  1. Fast enough for a kid or anyone else to get hurt on if you aint payin attention. When I was your age my dad changed the sprokets on my xr just to slow me down. I couldnt go over 50afterr that but I could climb some crazy hills. I dumped it a few times either way and it didnt feel too great.

  2. probably around the 60ish range.

  3. like 50 maybe 60mph

  4. it doesnt matter how fast a bike topps out at it matters how fast it gets there

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