
What is the top speed of the 2008 ninja 250r??

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I was at the dealership today and sat on some 600's ok feel to it. Sat on the only 250 in the place and it was very comfy and I was able to touch the ground flatfooted which was important to me one of the salesman told my buddy that the 250r ninja only goes 60-70mph is this true??? Does anyone have this exact bike???? Please let me know I am considering getting a 500 or 600 now. Also I mean stock not any mods or c**p that makes it faster (out the door new 2008 ninja 250r top speed????? Thanks




  1. the top speed is about 105 mph

  2. It'll break 100mph. I have a 30 year old Suzuki 185 stock dirt bike that will hit 75. No reason a 2008 street 250 wouldn't clear 100.

  3. What difference does it make there no place to ride it at top speed.

  4. I'M going to guess 80mph based on  the Ninjas higher hp and streamlining. Its a 250, it ain't going to set the LSR.

  5. I just got mine  i'm  5'10 and weight 190lbs top speed is around 100 mph if you lighter problaby you'll hit 110mph

  6. I dunno. Why don't you let me know.

  7. whow

    that one was hard to google

    the engine did not change over the last decade(s)

    it's design is a little slicker now

  8. I have a 2006 ninja 250 and I have been up to 107 mph on it.  I probably could have gone up to 110 mph but it would have taken a real long time to get up there.  I am 5' 7" and weigh 150 pounds so that might help a little.  I would probably go for a 500 cc bike though because you will get tired of a 250 and want a bigger bike after a summer of riding.

  9. a little over 100 mph...but at that speed the bike is screaming....and it is not made to go that is plenty happy at 70-75

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