
What is the top ten reasons why we should save trees ?

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What is the top ten reasons why we should save trees ?




  1. 1. Because so many of them look good and they enhance the scenery.

    2. Because they produce oxygen for us to survive.

    3. Because many of them produce fruit, which is important in our diet.

    4.They provide a habitat for other plants by the shade, compost and support they provide.

    5. They provide a habitat for animals, birds, reptiles and insects.

    6. Trees provide a range of woods that can be used for practical or artistic purposes.

    7. Trees stabilise soils that might otherwise be eroded by heavy rain.

    8. Trees provide endless opportunities for human recreation, from photography to kids climbing.

    9. They are the subject of myth, legend and wonder in many cultures in the world - both past and present.

    10. In cities they act as sound absorbers for traffic noise. There is a possibility that they absorb polluting gases as well.

    11. Finally - I love trees, I LOVE TREES. TREES, I  LOVE THEM!!!

  2. 1. Trees are our brothers literally our relatives.

    Trees signify life in many religions.  We share 30-40% of our genetic make up with this majestic and beauteous  life form.

    2. Co2 and breathing thus supporting human life. We would die or all need to wear oxygen tanks without the trees.  (sad news for Republicans (weapons mfg co's)who already threw the environment under the train and invested in the production of those tanks!)

    3. Shade and Cooling and telling stories under

    4. Habitat or food for butterflys Birds and squirrels and the host of animal life that live in the trees - They would certainly die out quickly.

    5. Trees are good for climbing when you are a kid.

    6.  Holding the earths top layer rooted to the earth like sewing a button on.  Keeps the crust from slipping. Tree rings helps to measure and record or verify ( ie rainy periods drought and pestilence) history and the ages.

    7. Cancer cures and assorted medicinal properties are found in trees as newer methods of research arise.

    We literally learn sonething new everyday and even the drug companies will tell you that.

    8.  Because trees communicate and have feelings adverse and favorable at the very least. (see #1 above)

    Plants florish with soothing music and encouraging words and they soon wither in unsympathetic environments.

    Trees send alerts across forest and across miles signaling disasters such as storm and disease in order to advance warn fellow trees who then "tighten" their outter bark to steel themselves up for the predicted assault.

    9.  Not only do they make good swings,Trees are beautiful just to look at and know they are there.

    10. Trees give us fruit, nuts and food.

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