
What is the total budget of Apollo 11?

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What is the total budget of Apollo 11?




  1. That's a little difficult to answer....

    Figure, the Apollo program was developed & planned at the same time the Mercury and Gemini programs were underway, and their success and failures were factored into Apollo as it was still being designed.

    Manhours and cost of a single Saturn V with the Command & Lunar modules figures out to be around $1.8 billion, when you factor in the fact that the entire Apollo program cost about $22 billion, and there were 15 Saturn-V's built, with 12 actually launched.  (although not all of them were fully-configured:  The test article didn't have the LM, neither did Apollo 8.. The Skylab launch of the Saturn V had the space station on board, but no Command/service module nor the LM.)  

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