
What is the total population in India?

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What is the total population in India?




  1. 1,080,264,388

    **if there r more,it means these have been added , since i gave the answer**If there r less,it means many have died after i gave u the anser**:-)

  2. 1.3 billion

  3. 1.4 billion says the source. CIA estimates 1,095,351,995. Somewhere between those two extremes, probably. At any rate, 10 times the population density of the US and 2.5 times the population density of China.

  4. According to the World Fact Book, which is updated regularly, 1,095,351,995 was the educated estimate for July 2006.

  5. Still not enough to run out of condoms.

  6. One Billion plus and counting.

  7. 102 + crores

  8. (m)

    India — Population: 1,080,264,388

    the population of India increases by 16.29 million every year, which is equivalent to the total population of Australia

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