
What is the total time taken for the entire journey that max made?

by Guest11049  |  earlier

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max intended to travel a certain distace at a certain uniform sped.but after 1 hr,he increased his speed by 25%,as a result of this, in the remainin part of time dat he had planned 4 journy,endedup covring as much dis as total distance dat he had initially planned for,there by over shooting his intendd distance of travell...




  1. He traveled 5 hours.

    Say he went 100mph for an hour and had planned on doing so for 5 hours making the total distance 500 miles.

    After an hour he increased his speed by 25% to 125mph.  In the remaining 4 hours he travels 500 additional miles (the same as his initial plan) and overshoots by 100 miles.

  2. v1t = v2(t - 1)

    v1t = 1.25v1(t - 1)

    t = 1.25(t - 1)

    t = 1.25t - 1.25

    0.25t = 1.25

    t = 1.25/0.25 = 5 hr

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