
What is the toughest dog in the world in terms of fighting ability?

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What is the toughest dog in the world in terms of fighting ability?




  1. Great Dane...only joking...we are quite placid and don't like to fight unless we have to.

    Rottwieler maybe?

    actually if a Jack russell gets a rotwieller by the throat it won't let go.

  2. Me

  3. No one is taking into consideration a dogs:

    1) Level of aggresiveness

    2) There are larger and smaller dogs of all breeds

    This question is like asking what is the best car, there can be no clear cut answer.

    I do know my rotty is dangerous because you could drown when he starts l*****g you, and his head hurts when he runs into your shin chasing after our shitzu, or when our shitzu is chasing him and you don't get out of the way fast enough.

    Vick didn't get nearly enough punishment out of that deal. I hate anyone that engages in dog fighting.

  4. That would definately be the pit-bull. Even though the rottweiller has the greatest bite force of all the breeds, he is not bred to fight. Now the pit-bull, his fighting ability is scary. I DO NOT CONDONE DOG-FIGHTING! I am just stating facts.

  5. I would say the pit bull because they have the greatest bit force, and if they bit anything it would be very difficult to get one off.

    dog fighting is cruel and very ILLEGAL if that is y ur asking

  6. I know pitbulls are strong however once they clamp on they can't let go.

    I think my dog breed would be the best fighter.

    It's a pitbull sheppard mix. He has the head and strenght of a pitbull but the agility of a german sheppard.

    But I do agree that Dog fights are very cruel and the law should make the owners fight to the death. See how they'd like that.

  7. I see Michael Vick took time out of making license plates to join us.

  8. probably pit bull

  9. Hong Kong Phooey:

  10. a starving wolf pack.

  11. If you want a bad *** dog then have a look at the Tosa Kun from Japan, that is one bad *** dog. But Dog fighting is wrong and the sign of a loser. Here is a link about the dog.

    "They are thought of as the greatest fighting dog breed in the world." as stated by Wikipedia.

    But as I say again Dog fighting is wrong and the person who involves themselves in it is worst then a beast and deserves to be shot in the head.

  12. German Shephards



    Those three can be pretty dangerous

  13. No idea but I do know it is not only cruel but very very illegal

  14. Terriers are dogs breed for hunting

    so any Terrier

    this is why Yorkies

    Jack Russels

    all those little dogs are so agressive

    a Pitbulls real name is a Staffordshire Terrier

    on top of those

    Irish wolf hound, not the most agressive but it was breed to hunt wolf

    Standard Poodles, you wouldn't guess it but they are excellent guard dogs, very agressive if you come close to what they are supposed to be protecting


    German Shepard

    Rottwiellers not so much, for the most part they are big babies, it just depends on how they were raised

    all 3 are breed as guard dogs so for them to attack isn't uncommon

    Lastly is the dog i want to get

    The Rhodesian Ridgeback

    it was breed in Africa to help hunt lions, its fast, vicious

    its also the females of the species who are more vicious

    males with testicles or neutered females

    but males who are not neutered can prove very difficult to train and will get into alot of fights with other dogs over dominance

    ***but again it all depends on the training of the dog***

    that last bit of info must be starred because out of the breeds i just mentioned it wont matter how naturally aggressive they are if they are trained to be the opposite, you can take a golden retriever and make it aggressive by the training it receives

    oh and if i find your fighting dogs i will not be happy

    im telling you this all on the knowledge you want an aggressive guard dog

  15. Underdog is the badest. Dog the bounty hunter runs a close second. But how in the heck is this a martial arts question?

  16. my girlfriend. lol

  17. Pit Bulls are tough dogs but that's not the toughest dog in the world. There's actually natural born dog unlike Pit Bull which was mixed and created intentionally for human beings for fighting purposes that's much stronger than Pit Bull. In Japan, there's one dog which was used to fight the toughest bulls in that area and they usually killed it. There's one footage I found on youtube where I found this dog throwing the bull on the ground. It's a huge massive dog but it's no where near the size of the bull it fights.

    I also heard there are dogs that can fight more than this one.

  18. Pitbulls eat beagles for breakfast

  19. problably a pit bull

    ask micheal vick he'll tell you

  20. Japanese Tosa

    They don't actively set out to bite mind, they are actually the sumo equivalent of the dog world as they would rather pin the other dog!

  21. Dog fighting is wrong and cruel!

  22. Gotta be a pitt, although I do not condone dog fighting at all.

  23. Japanese Akita's are the toughest dogs about, much harder than the pitbull which most people mistakenly think are the baddest. Akitas are used to hunt Bears so you dont get any tougher than that.

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