
What is the travel time from Perth to Darwin on a plane?

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Travel time (hours and minutes)




  1. Qantas             QF792    /      TL341  /     QF788

    depart Perth     08:20     /     12:00    /     15:00

    arrive Darwin 13:20     /     18:05    /     20:00

    Travel Time:   3:30          /   4:35     /      3:30

    These are local times, so allow time difference

    WA  UTC  +0800    

    NT   UTC  +0930

  2. Direct actual flight time Perth-Darwin with QF is 3hrs 30mins.

  3. Once we leave the Eastern Coast - the best known and most frequented by tourists - the second part of our trip concerns one of the Australian continent, and I have to say among the most interesting on the planet.

    Besides the two Lambrettas, left in the good and loving hands of our friends from our Italian Club, there is another one, prepared and shipped by plane from Italy by our friend Vanes.low rocky mountains, crosses rivers - sometimes roaring and sometimes dry. Thorny bushes alternate with bottle trees and the prairie.

    We have previously established our stops according to filling points and places where we can sleep at night, but every night, before going to sleep, we carefully examine the road map to plan more precisely petrol, water and food supplies fo the following day.

    Our Lambrettas have proved tireless up to now and they attract the curiosity of the people who travel on these roads. Curiosity and admiration above all from those share our passion for two-wheelers and adventure.

    We enter Kimberly, a region of Western Australia with 22,000 inhabitants and 600,000 cows and oxen. It is one of the sharpest mountainous areas and at the same time more fascinating in the north-east. kununurra is the most important centre, from which the expedition to the inner part of this region start.

    We see lakes on different levels, joined to one another by falls, impetuous streams which find their way among rocks, moony landscape like Bungle-Bungle and pure lakes where it is possible to fish or sail and which allow water plains as large as Switzerland.


    We head southward, into the heart of Western Australia. This Australian state, nearly 8 times larger than Italy, is the largest in the federation and has a population of only 1,800,000 inhabitants, 42,000 of which are native. It is considered the Australian Wild West, both for its mining wealth and its wild and unexplored territory.

    Although it only has one twelfth of the population, it contributes one fourth of the national income. Here you find gold, diamonds, pearls, nickel, copper, gas, iron - to mention only most important.

    In Timber Creek we have to repair the clutch cable and we take the chance to replace a cracked lever with another. Here we try to get some help from a Roadhouse mechanic. He kindly answers he has a lot to do, but for $18 he sells us a small no return 5 litres tank, which we absolutely need to increase our petrol supply for the following day. In Australia we haven't always met available machanics, on the contrary. In Hails Creek a sign reads "We make no repairs for tourists". Congratulations!

    In all Western Australia this is the blooming season, so the roadsides are turned into neverending gardens which are hundreds of kms long, with more than 3,000 different kinds of flowers, many of which are peculiar to the place. You can meet 4 metres tall mimosas and you can smell the most disparate perfumes, soft, sweet, bitter.

  4. About 4 hours flying time.

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