
What is the trick?????????????????

by  |  earlier

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go to this sight

read the instructions

and figure out how the heck it reads your mind

then please let me know




  1. Great trick man.

    is it something in those nos. & there respective signs.

  2. I think you question belongs in a Different Forum.

    Cricket anyone.?

  3. It is just fooling you. You select any number between 10 & 99, add the two digits of the number, subtract from original number, you always get a multiple of 9 - between 9 & 81 and nothing more. Now, check out the symbols against the multiples of 9 from 9 to 81(9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81) they all are the same. Only thing is, the symbols change every time you click the 'crystal ball' or 'try again' button. I have got this stuff long time back in a powerpoint file as an email attachment. First couple of times I was stumped. Then I figured out what it really did.

  4. Site, not sight. Dunno, but it was a cool site.


    honestly, girl!!!

    have some SHAME!!!!

  6. dont know wat the h**l is that

  7. Well it did'nt read my mind...

  8. OMG !! I was amazed and frightened by dat. Really cool buddy. But its just a small trik. U get 9,18,27,36,45,54,63,72,81 the same symbol every time.

    Thanx 4 posting this buddy. Really Coooool Stuff !!!

  9. ﺏ  Ask some thing about cricket

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