
What is the trick to swim faster?

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What is the trick to swim faster?




  1. There is no such thing as "Practice makes perfect."

    But there IS such thing as "Perfect practices."

    Meaning no slacking off, and swimming hard the entire practice time.

    Outside of swimming dry land such as running, lunges, weights, stretch cords, etc. also help a lot with muscle build up.

    Remeber: ALL pain, ALL gain =)

  2. Learn to hold your breath longer so u dont get to breathe that many times while racing.

    Thats what my coach says, and what im training for right now.

    I did great in last weeks competitions i beat my own time by 2,5 seconds

  3. practice

  4. well their maybe a problem with ur stroke. like me, i dont overlap my arms enough in freestyle. and having a strong kick is very inportant in all strokes.

  5. Without question, THE most important thing you can do to become faster is to improve your stroke mechanics (technique).  Unless your strokes are proper, you'll never do well.

    Think about running fast.  What is the first thing you must do?  You must properly push the ground backwards.  If you push the ground sideways you'll not run fast going forward.  So, in swimming you must also learn to "push the ground" properly ... 'cept, of course, that the ground is now water.  

    THEN, once you learn proper stroke, you should start to practice the stroke (and turns and finishes) in swim practice so that your conditioning improves and you can do the proper stroke in a race.  

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