
What is the trick to training a horse to "jump"?

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Hi, well i have a 20 year old appy and i have been walking, trotting over crossrails (about 6-10 inches above ground). In the trot he will just step over individually and not "jump" no matter how fast his trot is. I have seen videos of other people trotting over small jumps and the horse will jump from the trot and canter on.

How can i get my horse to "jump" instead of "step" over a jump?

thanks everyone, dont worry i know he is older, but he acts like a 10 year old so i am taking that into consideration.

Advice would be nice!





  1. I ride western but use jumping as conditioning too.. i start longeing or in a round pen over one pole or log or 2x4 on the ground putting up barrels as barriers so they dont just go around, then after a few days just trotting or whatever pace they do choose as long as they dont refuse it I will raise it up 3 or so inches for another few days both direction and then another few inches, keep gradually raising and eventually he will have to jump it.  I also keep the ground pole up underneath the higher one so it looks more solid so they dont just plow through it. I probably wouldnt go higher than 3ft eventually bec his age, landing on the front does cause concussion and wear on his joints.. thats why you move up gradually to prepare his body for this.  

  2. You may have to raise it to at least a foot off the ground in order for him to jump, depending on his height. Any horse that is healthy and sound can jump, but not all horses naturally 'take' to jumping. You are on the right track with ground poles. Try longeing your horse over raised poles, and if he knocks them over rather than jumping, you may wish to try a more solid (but not dangerous) obstacle. I started my lazy gelding over some hay bales lined up in a row which he couldn't just knock over. If this still doesn't work, check that your horse doesn't have artheritis or some other condition which may make jumping uncomfortable for him. You may also try free longeing him in a round pen, encouraging him over the jump with a rope in your hand or 'whip'. He may just need some help to learn that he CAN jump. Or, if you're comfortable jumping, try taking him over yourself, you might be able encourage him over the jump better in the saddle. Good luck, and enjoy the experience!

  3. Try cantering towards it.

    And go into ur 2 point. Or are you doing that???

    If you are then try kicking as you get to it.

  4. Have you tried cantering the jump? Some horses have an easier time cantering the jump since the canter motion is very much like the jumping motion.

    If you raise the jump he will eventually jump it. He will have to.

    If you are using proper jumping materials, the jump should fall if he hits it, so he should not get hurt if he tries to step over. As a precaution, you should have protective boots for him, though.

    The longer you continue to allow him to step over the jump, the more ingrained the idea will be and the harder to change the habit.  

  5. You may have to raise it untill he has to jump then go from there or approach from canter then he cant step over it. He would have to change his gait to manage to step over it.

  6. maybe raise the jumps a bit  and if he keeps trotting then keep raising! lol but not to high to where he reuses!!  just an idea? lol have fun!

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