
What is the true meaning of this "Obamapolis" it looks very tasteless to me?

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What is the true meaning of this "Obamapolis" it looks very tasteless to me?




  1. Polis being Greek for City, Obamapolis would be the Obama city.

  2. RDA Entertainment was the company that built the set.  It couldn't be tasteless because these very same folks built Britney Spears set.  Not sure how symbolism plays in but Barack likely has a reason for the Greekiness.

  3. Obamapolis is a land inhabited by the mentally unbalanced Obama nation, a place where substance is absent but only the mantra of "change" is chanted, it's a pathetic, horrible place much like the island of Cuba...

  4. Tasteless and Odramacentric.

  5. Who cares about the opinion of someone with the name "Nobama"?

  6. Its a place that is thousands of miles away from "McCainville". Obamapolis is populated by American scholars, professionals and the likes while McCainville is populated by wealthy aristocrats and those that bow down to them.

  7. Just some more of that over the top hype, created to suck people in.

    Yes,  it is tasteless.  I would also add,  ridiculous to the description.

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