
What is the truth about what they put in Mcdonald's food?

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Long term effects of the addictives and preserves.




  1. Only the person who makes the food knows.

  2. The truth is that the ingredients are real food and there are no addictive additives.  Any preservatives are the same as what you'd see in any other processed foods on your grocery shelf.  The ingredients are fully listed on their web site.  Any long term effects are no different for McD than other fast food brands or processed foods.

  3. Have you read Fast Food Nation? It will tell you EVERYTHING you want to know... or perhaps I should say - what you DON'T want to know!!!!

    Since the time I read it I won't touch a fast food item.

  4. Well I worked in a Mc D onces maybe the fact that the hamburgers dont ever get fully cook they believe in leaving them a bit pink I putting them all together in the traysis better because they finish cooking on there own heat instead of over cooking them and making them to dry, also the oil that is use for frying is use for 2 weeks straight before is changed. Maybe thats the secrect it might sound nasty but I cant help to eat it.

  5. This question kinda sounds like a homework assignment.  :-)

    The truth about our food supply is that it is becoming tainted in many ways.  Even the water we drink is now full of pharmaceuticals and chemicals.  So, whether you get a burger at McDonald's or a burger at home there are risks to our health and well-being.

  6. a lot of fat/lard and grease which will make you fat.

  7. Trans fat.  A lot of trans fat. Did you know one mediium fry has 5 grams of trans fat? That's more than you should even have in a day. Eating more than 5 grams of trans fat in a day increases your risk by 30% of getting a heart disease. Don't eat there! So unhealthy. Eat at Wendys, they don't use trans fat. Or arbys.

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