
What is the truthfulness of this slogan? “Cut your energy use to bring home the troops.”?

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I've been thinking about the war in Iraq and have come to the conclusion that if we were able to end our dependence on foreign oil we could bring our troops home. I'm not 100% sure though so I wanted to know if anyone has a good argument as to why this wouldn't be true.




  1. I drive a car that gets 32 mpg, and ride a train and bicycle to work.

    my conscience is clear.

  2. its not true, we are only dependent on oil because the ties created by the Bush dynasty and the Oil rich companies are being blasted by the Terrorist Threat and they need a base away from home to protect this arrangement against the enemies.   so they can continue to rule in america in luxury.  we dont need thier oil but Bushies want us to think that.

  3. It might hold if we were only there for oil. The problem is that the people we're fighting over there aren't fighting for oil they are fighting for an idea. The idea is that the world would be better off if it was ruled by a caliphate. If we left today the fighting or at least the killing wouldn't be over. They would follow us because they want us to go along with them or kill us for not doing so. Not just us, everybody. When are people going to get it that they are fighting a jihad and its not for oil. Was Van Gogh over there in Holland any threat to their oil? No they thought he was a threat to their idea. Are the "youth" rioting in the streets of France fighting for oil? No they're fighting for an idea. If we used our last drop of middle eastern oil yesterday it would just make it more difficult for them to finance their jihad but the jihad would remain. Unless we want to give up and let them have their way with us our troops won't be coming home for a long time. Especially with the politically correct way we're fighting this war. The problem with Bush but more especially congress isn't that we're fighting a war but that we're not fighting wholeheartedly. Never a good strategy. Would Hitler have been defeated if we fought WWII this way? The quickest way to bring the troops home is to defeat the jihadists utterly before they defeat us.

  4. cause we are not there for oil.

  5. Aint it the truth!

  6. anything to bring them home

  7. Very basic, but i see no problem with your analogy.

  8. I think in the mid term the basic idea is true, as the last war for oil is still to be fought. Cut back energy luxuries, shift to solar, get peace and freedom.

    But if you want the troops home (or at least out from Iran, where the next war could be!) I suggest protesting actively. One such opportunity is the General Strike called for 9/11/07. There will be much more opportunities...

  9. This war has little to do with dependence on oil.  Regardless of you how you feel, many (ignorant) Americans will still want big huge powerful cars.  To make an analogy, you are a removing a grain of sand from a beach while you attempt to deplete the shorelines.

  10. Oil is what backs the dollar so they don't want to cut our dependence on oil.

    However that is only partial reason we are in Iraq. None being moral or right or part of Just war.

    Pre-emptive war is a neo-conservative, natzi concept.

  11. It is a very simplistic truth.  It's rather naive to believe that if you use less energy, there will be a big enough impact on our foreign dependence.  Remember though, as long as Al Gore is around with his little carbon credits, whatever energy you save, he will find a way to use in his house.

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