
What is the try score in rugby ?

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What is the try score in rugby ?




  1. The act of 'try score' or scoring a try is in rugby league is defined as:

    "Try – How scored 3. A try is scored when:–

    "(a) a player first grounds the ball in his opponents’ in-goal, provided that he is not in touch or touch in-goal or on or over the dead ball line.

    "(b) opposing players simultaneously ground the ball in the in-goal area provided that the attacking player is not in touch or touch in-goal or on or over the dead ball line.

    "Sliding try (c) a tackled player’s momentum carries him into the opponents’ in-goal where he grounds the ball even if the ball has first touched the ground in the field of play but provided that when the ball crosses the goal line the player is not in touch or touch in-goal or on or over the dead ball line.

    "Penalty try (d) the Referee may award a penalty try if, in his opinion, a try would have been scored but for the unfair play of the defending team. A penalty try is awarded between the goal posts irrespective of where the offence occurred.

    "Touching Referee/Others (e) an attacking player carrying the ball comes into contact with the Referee or a Touch Judge or an encroaching spectator in the opponents’ in-goal and play is thereby irregularly affected." [1] [2] pp12-13

    For Rugby Union, a try is described as:

    "Try. When an attacking player is first to ground the ball in the opponents’in-goal, a try is scored.

    "Penalty Try. If a player would probably have scored a try but for foul play by an opponent, a penalty try is awarded between the goal posts." [3] [4] pp33

    Note: [3] is better to look at, as it is a smaller file.

  2. Since 8-10 years a try score 5 points. If the try is transformed, it gives 7 points (5+2).

  3. 5 points in rugby union

    4 points in rugby league

  4. In Rugby Union a try is worth 5 points and then the team will get the chance to kick a conversion which will be worth 2 points. In Rugby League you get 4 points for a try =)



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