
What is the tuition price of san francisco state university?

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i im sixteen && live in san jose, ca. i have decided to go there to become a psychologist. im sixteen and am going to be a junior in high school. this upcoming year my electives are french 1, algerbra 2, psychology, and oceanology so that i can qualify for college. && im really intrested in knowing the tuition prices for there. i heard that they have a lot of classes in that field, more than san jose state thats why im chosing this college.




  1. A full-time student at San Francisco State who is registered for 12-credit hours per semester should anticipate paying $3,370 per year in tuition and fees, assuming he/she is a resident of the State of California.

    Room and board (dorm and food) is approximately $9124 a year more.

    As for whether San Francisco State has more psychology courses than San Jose State, that's debatable. Psychology is a common liberal arts major at every decent sized liberal arts college in the United States. All of those schools offer a pretty extensive range of the traditional undergraduate psychology courses, which would include things like:

    Intro Psychology


    Tests and Measurements

    Research Methods


    Memory and Cognition





    and a few others.

    The differentiation of psychology curricula doesn't really begin to show up until you get to graduate school. If you'd prefer San Francisco State for other reasons, by all means, you should apply for admission there, but don't eliminate San Jose State just because you heard that San Fran has a better undergraduate psychology program. Frankly, San Jose State is a far more highly regarded educational institution than San Francisco State is.

    Good luck!

  2. Here check out their website. Most of the CSU schools charge tuition around the same amount. Although, they have just recently raised tuition again so by the time you do attend college it might be the same or have gone up again. This doesn't include housing since you will be relocating to San Francisco for school.

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