
What is the turnaround time for getting a refund on a credit card after a flight is cancelled?

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What is the turnaround time for getting a refund on a credit card after a flight is cancelled?




  1. If you give your ticket to the agent at the airport, it can be processed immediately and credited to your credit card then and there.



  2. I hate saying 'it depends' but in this case, 'it depends'.

    First, the airline has to put the credit through.  Usually they will do this pretty fast, but not always, especially if they are trying to convince you to choose an alternate flight instead.  As a previous poster mentioned, it is possible the agent put it thru immediately.

    Then, the credit card issuer has to post the credit.   Some banks are notorious for not posting credits as fast as charges, usually claiming the credit has to be 'verified'.  

    All-in-all, I would expect the credit to be posted to your account within 7-21 days.

  3. I was told it depends on the airline. United took 30 days.

    Good luck!

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