
What is the typical French summer fashion?

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I'm going to be travelling to France this summer. I will be staying in a couple of places: Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Paris. I'd like to not stick out as an American so I can practice speaking French and absorb the culture. What do young women wear, typically? Or what do I NOT wear? And are there any online stores to look at to gather ideas from (Ex: Promod)? Lastly, what is acceptable beach-wear? Thanks in advance!





  2. I can't tell you, girls are just dressed with clothes...

    Toulouse is a great city!!!! Don't forget to go to "Chez Tonton". It's a famous bar where you will find a lot of young people. Maybe me if you come this summer (july or august).

  3. Young women are very well dressed, particularly in Paris. Jeans and a really nice blouse. They don't wear t-shirts, but honestly, it doesn't matter all that much. My favourite thing to do is pack light and buy clothes over there. As far as beach wear is concerned, you could go topless and it wouldn't be a problem!

  4. There's no so much differences between French and Americans concerning fashion.

    Concerning the way to be dressed when you're visiting cities, jeans and tank top suit well.

    But I'm sure that you're thinking about do shopping in Paris, so pack light and look around on how French girls are dressed.

    It is true that on beach some girls are topless, but don't try to do that if you'll go alone to the beach.

    And if you don't want to look like to an american, you should avoid caps, and clothes from your university (every shirt with University of ...).

    Last but not least, avoid too much make-up.

    I spent 2 years in USA, and I was sometimes repeled by non-naturel girls which put too much making-up.

    Bon voyage

  5. All Girls Dress up in France Always.

    Guys get away with a bit more slovenlyness--but you better look cool with that 3 day beard and be wearing expensive bumming around clothes that hang just so.

    You should dress properly. Americans are known for being too casual and too sloppy--especially the women. Sneakers, for example are only worn when playing sports. It is not considered appropriate footwear for the street.

    Unless you're a tennis pro, leave your sneakers at home.

    You should look at what other girls are wearing--French females generally look GREAT when they walk out the door--and they put effort into that.

    Think skirts and dresses rather than jeans and T-shirts (only appropriate for working in the yard).  Business environment:  classic Channel Ladies suit, heels

    Depending on how you dress now, you may want to go there with a rather empty suitcase with the intention of doing some shopping to get the right look. I really can't emphasis this "girls dress up for everyday and everything" thing enough. If she is to be in a city, she will need shoes, skirts and an "LBD" (Little Black Dress) for evenings.

    Then there's make up and hair.  Figure it all out when you get there, bring lot's of money, the dollar is in the dirt right now compared to the Euro and EVERYTHING will feel expensive.

  6. this is wonderful information. I am going to France in July for a month and i was wondering this very thing. thanks. now i know to take an empty suitcase

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