
What is the uk code number when you ring england from abroad?

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What is the uk code number when you ring england from abroad?




  1. 0044 then the number.

  2. The codes for the UK are NOT repeat NOT 0044 from every where in the world.

    This is why when we publish numbers on a website or advertisement we put +44 123####etc.  so that the caller can change the '+' to the correct access code for their country.  If it was 0044 from everywhere we could print that directly.

    For instance if calling from Cuba the code is 119 44

    But as  questioner is possibly in the USA  then the code for the UK is 01144  

    That is why it is important to know where you are phoning FROM in order to give correct codes.

    In all cases though you do need to leave out the leading zero fron the telephone number - for instance if calling a number listed in UK as 0208###### - then from the US you would call 01144 208#######.

    If the number is quoted as +44 20########  then simply change the + to 011 so that you dial 0114420########.

    Do remember also that if you are using a cell (mobile) phone many of the cheaper tariffs do not allow international calling - you may need to call your phone service provider to upgrade - or use a landline phone.


  3. 0044

  4. 44 you don't use the 0's

  5. +44 and whatever the number might be, my number is + 44 (0)121 684 _ _ _ _.

    If you were to call me you'd have to omit the zero and dial the rest with the above code.

  6. +44  you also have to miss out the first zero of the area code.  eg 0114 becomes 114

  7. + 44 i think....

  8. 0044

    or +44

  9. +44 (where "+" is usually "00")

    You then need to drop the "0" from the city code, so, for example, you dial 0044 1223 (for Cambridge).

  10. 0044 OR +44. You can try both and this will help u to ring UK from abroad.

    Besy of luck!

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