
What is the uncontrolled of police called? Its some type of phobia idk which.?

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I was driveing on the interstate doing the speed limit and i saw a cop right behind me and i mean on my @ss. Usually i just start swearing and i feel better but my mother and younger children were in the vehical so i couldnt. I started shakeing really bad and got extreamly nausious and became emotionally distraught. I've recieved a speeding ticket before and the cop was nice but most cops i have run into are complete jerks...kind of like they got picked on in school and are takeing it out on the world.




  1. that is normal behavior while smoking pot and driving. or it could be the crystal meth that has a side affect of paranoia.

    and when you get the  "munchies",chew on the wooden end of your 12 gauge.....the hollow metal end can end all your parties.

  2. Jerkophobia.  When I see a "cop" I react a little differently.  I will wave to them or if approached tell them I am thankful for all they do.  I guess if you have a guilty conscience you react differently.  If you need to swear to feel better then might I suggest a trip to Denver next month.

  3. Anger managment classes are great ^_^ try it sometime

  4. How unfortunate for you, I hope you don't ever need to dial 911.

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