
What is the underline theme of Jesus message to his followers? ?

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Actually he talked more about helping the poor than anything else.




  1. Jesus himself answered that question.

    "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and mind

    and love thy neighbor as thyself".

    All other commands of Jesus are automatically fulfilled if you do these.

    This was Jesus' response to the same question asked by Nicodemus.

  2. From that time on Jesus commenced preaching and saying: “Repent, YOU people, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.”

  3. LOVE -  that way people will know you are His disciple!

  4. Repent of your sins ...ask to be forgiven and you will be saved.There is a lot more but you asked for the underline theme -so this is it!!

  5. listen to me or my dad will make you regret it.

  6. Jesus was announcing that the Kingdom of heaven was at hand The end of the old covenant was near and the new was about to come,where there was no longer separation from God, death was destroyed and all,regardless of race were by faith to enter into this kingdom.

  7. Suckers!

  8. repent of your sins, love God, love people (even your enemies), and strive to live righteously.

  9. Love God first, and love others even as we love ourselves. If we live this, we will automatically fulfill His laws.

  10. John 3:15-21

    1 John

    Romans (1,3,6,10)

  11. He said that the most important commandment was to love God above everything else and that the second  most important was to serve your neighbor, which would also be known as rephrasing the golden rule.  

  12. That God(YAHWEH) has created all things and has a plan that is perfect even if we, in our finite minds do not comprehend it it is in our best interest to listen and follow His Laws and guidance before our own.

  13. That we have a choice, to believe that He is the only begotten Son of Jehovah God, and that He was sent here as a ransome sacrifice,  so that we can be forgiven of our sins, just for believing on Him, and His Father...and trying to live for THEM...the whole purpose, is to believe that He is the Son,and get baptized, to 'cast' your vote for Him...because as He says, NO ONE gets to the Father, except through simple, that a child can understand...we either live for Him, or reject Him and Jehovah, and take the concequences...Our Father is a loving, patient, forgiving Father, who gave His Son, because He so loved the world...and soon, His Son will be ruling again and in everything you do, EVERYTHING...glorify the Lord

  14. To His followers, the message was "Love one another".

    To everyone, it was "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand"  or "Repent and believe".

    I also like message of The Beatitudes.

  15. To believe in Him and then you are free!. Thanks for asking.

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