
What is the underwater fly kick?

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I have been searching online for a detailed description of it with no success. What is is it used for? How do you do it?




  1. Keep both legs together and kick with both in unison.

  2. Imagine how a dolphin's tail moves up and down when travelling through water, well that is the Butterfly kick when swimming that stroke.

  3. it resembles a dolphin kick. when your upper body comes out, if your doing the kick right, the tips of your toes will usually come out of the water when your arms and head go back in.  

    its used to propell your body up and out of the water.

    (this is the hardest stroke to conquer and most people can't do it...or atleast work up to perfect it.

  4. It is a motion like a dolphin that is frmo ur chest down to ur feet. it should be like one big wave but keeping ur shoulders and head motionless. it is used when swimming butterfly, it is the kick that is used. also, when pushing off of the wall in a streamline position, (for freestyle, backstroke, and butterfly) you use underwater fly kick to propel ur self forwards. it butterfly u keep doing it then with the stroke but for freestly and backstroke u switch to flutter kick (back and forth motions with both ur feet so one foot is up and the other is down, they are in opposite directions)

    try searching under dolphin kick if u want a picture or a more detailed desciption.

  5. well when you go under hten come back up and keep repeating that its called the dolphin drill but just kicking with your legs together is butterfly

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