
What is the use of navels?

by Guest61445  |  earlier

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What is the use of navels?




  1. Subsequent to birth, if you have a good "insey", it is useful to hold salt when you eat celery in bed. If you have a good "outsey", it is useful as a target for when your children play ring - toss on rainy days.

  2. That's where your umbilical cord was before you were born. You received food and oxygen from your mom through it. It doesn't do much harm or good after birth, but some people like to decorate it.

  3. It is what is left from the umbilical cord. It is useless after the baby is born.

  4. It collects lint. If it wasn't there all the lint you find there now would be in your underwear or worse.

  5. That's where the umbilical cord was connected when you were in the womb.  The doctor cuts the cord and ties it in a knot.  So, it has no use now, but had a very important use back then.

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