
What is the usefulness legislating more quest worker programs if we already have 12 million illegals?

by  |  earlier

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(Note: I placed a similar question but it was deleted. The Violation Reason was "not a question or answer." Perhaps now I have phrased it such that it is more open ended.)

I understand that illegal immigration is a sensitive subject & I am sure that my bias was easily detected in my previous question which was deleted.

I had made the following suggestions:

1. Absolutely no more illegals. Build a fence/wall &/or use the National Guard full force.

2. Give all present illegals the opportunity to apply for citizenship within a reasonable time. Present illegals MUST be documented as guest workers...we have plenty (12 million!) - no more needed!

3. Obtaining citizenship MUST take priority over starting a family.

4. Breaking the law = conviction, appropriate sentencing, and deportation.

5. No driver's license to anyone who can't read english. (Afterall, I had to be able to read english to get mine.)

6. Stiff penalties to ALL employers hiring illegals without documentation.




  1. This is a scam being carried out by business that doesn't want to pay decent wages or benefits. They have a professional lobbyist to push congress to continually try and pass more programs like guest workers.

  2. It is nothing more than just trying to appease the Americans that are sick of this illegal alien invasion and having to pay for it. It means nothing. They aren't going "home" and they will continue to flood over the border with the lure of free housing, free healthcare, free food stamps, and free education. And they don't have to abide by our laws! What a deal!

  3. Cheap labor so the rich can get richer. The lobbiest have more money than we do so we are screwed.

  4. Big Business want big profits and to keep your paycheck smaller (the average US worker makes $1000.00 less per year than he did 10 years ago but prices keep going up). Why do you want to make US citizens out of CRIMINALS? If someone raped your child would you want him to get a prize? (new car, motorcycle?) Or is it just the easy way out? Is this what we want our children to learn? 1) Being a criminal pays, 2) Do the crime get an award, 3) Don't do the right thing, do the EASY thing. How about don't try to apprehend the murders! It's cheaper and easier to let them run loose! I want something better for the US.

  5. I think this is a great idea. Yes, we do have a lot of illegals, but once the border is closed i think the illegals should have a path to citizenship as long as they follow the rules.

  6. To answer your question, a guest worker program is being proposed to legalize the illegal aliens that are currently in the US.  I can't believe that eventually, Congress and Senate will shove this program down the US throat even though most Americans want illegals deported and borders secured first.  These illegals are demanding rights yet did not respect the laws of the US and this country is stupid enough to give them what they want.

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