(Note: I placed a similar question but it was deleted. The Violation Reason was "not a question or answer." Perhaps now I have phrased it such that it is more open ended.)
I understand that illegal immigration is a sensitive subject & I am sure that my bias was easily detected in my previous question which was deleted.
I had made the following suggestions:
1. Absolutely no more illegals. Build a fence/wall &/or use the National Guard full force.
2. Give all present illegals the opportunity to apply for citizenship within a reasonable time. Present illegals MUST be documented as guest workers...we have plenty (12 million!) - no more needed!
3. Obtaining citizenship MUST take priority over starting a family.
4. Breaking the law = conviction, appropriate sentencing, and deportation.
5. No driver's license to anyone who can't read english. (Afterall, I had to be able to read english to get mine.)
6. Stiff penalties to ALL employers hiring illegals without documentation.